UK unis held 70 events with radical hate preachers last year
King’s and Queen Mary are the worst for allowing speakers with ‘extremist views’
More than 70 events involving extremists took place on campuses last year as unis are giving a platform for radical speakers, David Cameron said.
Events involving hate preachers took place across a range of universities, with King’s College and Queen Mary being singled out as the worst for radical talks.
And the government has now launched new guidelines which legally require universities to stop extremists radicalising students.
In a speech today, the Prime Minister said unis need to stop giving fanatics the “oxygen they need to flourish”.
SOAS and Kingston University were also singled out as holding the most events, hosting speakers such as far right Islamist Haytham Al-Haddad and Dr Uthman Lateef who fundraises for convicted terrorists.
Hate preacher Haitham al-Haddad was due to speak at Kent, but the university intervened at the last minute
New rules will come in from the 21st September and mean proper risk assessments for speakers will need to be taken out.
Other notable speakers spreading “dangerous” views at universities include Alomgir Ali, Imran Ibn Mansur – aka “Dawah Man” – and Dr Salman Butt.
In a speech today, David Cameron said: “All public institutions have a role to play in rooting out and challenging extremism.
“It is not about oppressing free speech or stifling academic freedom, it is about making sure that radical views and ideas are not given the oxygen they need to flourish.
“Schools, universities and colleges, more than anywhere else, have a duty to protect impressionable young minds and ensure that our young people are given every opportunity to reach their potential.
“That is what our one nation government is focused on delivering.”
This is the first time the Government has detailed those institutions who most regularly host fanatics.
The government believes extremist speakers are responsible for radicalising students
Speakers at unis included the homophobic preacher Haitham al-Haddad and Dr Uthman Lateef, who allegedly advocates the destruction of the non-Muslim world.
Imran Ibn Mansur, calling himself “Dawah Man”, was also booked and claims homosexuality comes “under the category of obscene, filthy and shameless”.
Another speak, Hamza Tzortzis, has called for an Islamic state and expressed hostility towards Western values.
Universities Minister Jo Johnson contacted the NUS to remind them of their responsibilities in challenging controversial speakers.
He said: “Universities represent an important arena for challenging extremist views.
“It is important there can be active challenge and debate on issues relating to counter terrorism and provisions for academic freedom are part of the Prevent guidance for universities and colleges.”
The University Minister and Boris Johnson’s brother wants unis to do more to prevent extremism
He added: “It is my firm view that we all have a role to play in challenging extremist ideologies and protecting students on campus.
“The legal duty that will be placed on universities and colleges highlights the importance that the government places on this.”
These controversial appointments could have a worrying effect, radicalising students at the universities where they speak.
Former UCL student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to detonate explosives in his underwear on a flight to Detroit in 2009 and was convicted of attempted murder and terrorism.
Reports suggest he had repeatedly been contacted by extremists who were under MI5 surveillance during his time at uni.
Former UCL student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was radicalised during his time at uni
Roshonara Choudhry dropped out of King’s College in 2010 and tried to assassinate MP Stephen Timms just weeks later because of his research studying radicalisation.
He was given 15 years in jail for trying to stab the Labour MP at his constituency surgery.
Another student, David Souaan was at Birbeck, University of London when he was arrested for planning a terrorist attack in 2014.
And Erol Incedal, studying at London South Bank University, was found guilty of possession of a bomb-making manual later that year.
Students who are believed to have travelled to Syria include Rashed Amani from Coventry Uni and Zubair Nur who left Royal Holloway for the Middle East in March.