Fresher commutes 1,000 miles to uni from Poland to save money
He pays just £25 a week in rent
A stingy first year claims he flies all the way from Poland to uni in London because it saves him money.
Thrifty fresher Jonathon Davey, 23, moved 1,000 miles to Gdansk and flies back just for lectures.
The Goldsmiths Anthropology student made the huge decision after discovering a room in London could cost around £220 per week – mounting up to over £11,000 in a year.
But now he says his pre-booked return flights, buses and rent at a Polish hostel cost him just £2,100 a year.
After asking for money to fund his travels, Jonathon told The Tab: “Gdansk is an oasis compared with London, it’s a home away from home, with the everyday benefits of living in the UK.
“The parties are much better too.”
Jonathon travels 1000 miles for uni. Photo: The Mirror
Jonathon’s gruelling day begins at 4:30am, in order to catch a 6am flight to the UK.
He said: “The earlier one gets up, the more time he or she has to enjoy the day – I read my lecture notes on the plane so I’m ready for the first lesson.”
The first year sleeps on friends’ sofas or in hostels until Friday, when he catches a plane back to Poland.
He added: “Flying back is rather more relaxed, I depart late evening, just after 7pm and arrive in Gdansk for nightlife at 22:30.”
Jonathon, who flies with WizzAir, said: “The flights are dirt cheap – £36 average return cost.
“My flight time is two hours, plus I gain an hour from the time difference, which means I get into Luton at 7:30.”
After considering Vilnus in Lithuania and Riga in Latvia for his new home, Jonathon eventually settled on Poland.
And the £1.20 cost of a pint certainly helped make the decision.
He said: “I had holidayed in Gdansk a few years ago, and again during this past summer.
“Gdansk is a well balanced and architecturally stunning coastal city, with charming nightlife and friendly people, it was certainly the most appealing option.”
Jonathon said the £1.20 pints in Gdansk were a bonus
Another way Jonathon cuts back on costs is by living in a shared hostel room.
He said: “Initially I considered getting an apartment or at least a private room in a hostel.
“But the tourist bustle departs mid September, which is why I opted for a dorm bed since they aren’t so busy.
“Also, hostels are full of lovely, fascinating people who enjoy travelling as much as I do, so its a great wait to meet people with similar interests and aspirations.
“High 5 Hostel where I stay in superb – they have free breakfast, game consoles and TV’s, plus it’s located right in the heart of the old town.
“My bed can stay the same or change, its not something that bothers me in the slightest.”
Instead of hauling his books from London to Poland, Jonathon uses a storage locker close to uni for storage.
He said: “In terms of possessions, I decided years ago to live light.
“Now I only possess a rucksack, things of personal value and items of necessity, such as clothes and toiletries.”
Jonathon claims he actually saves money by living in Poland and flying over
Living 1,000 miles away can be pretty crushing for any social life, but Jonathon insists he still has time for his mates.
He said: “I still see my friends when in London on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, which is more than enough time to meet and greet.
“If they ever want a quick city break, they are all more than welcome to jet over.
“My family as a whole have learned to accept over the years, that I wish to follow my own path rather than conform to the socially accepted one.
“The benefits are blindingly obvious.”