Drug dealing nephew of a Lord caught with ketamine all over his face
His uncle is Lord of the Manor of Bucklebury
The privileged nephew of a Lord has narrowly escaped jail after being caught dealing ketamine.
Henry Hartley Russell, 22, was convicted for possession of ket with intent to supply.
Police discovered him in an “unsteady” state with white powder all over his face.
Henry’s uncle is the Lord of the Manor of Bucklebury, a close friend of Kate Middleton’s family with an estate of over 18 acres.
But entitled Henry was spared prison, despite having several other drug convictions.
Dealer Henry was found with ketamine all over his face alongside two friends, the court heard.
Prosecutor Henry James said: “Police arrived and on approaching the car officers formed the impression it had tried to reverse into some woods and got stuck.
“They appeared completely unaware of the officers’ arrival. They were seen to have white powder around their faces.
“When Mr Hartley Russell, who was in the driver’s seat, was spoken to, he appeared very unsteady on his feet and managed to discard a small package as he was coming out of the car.”
But the package had £120 worth of ketamine inside, along with some cannabis.
“Damning text messages” were found on his phone which referred to “the sale of wobble” – another name for ket.
But Henry puffed out his cheeks and breathed a sigh of relief after learning he had escaped jail after admitting possessing the class B drug with intent to supply.
Judge Ian Pringle told him he was taking “an exceptional course” and suspending their prison terms.
Hartley Russell, who has admitted he has a drugs problem, insisted he is now clean.
Henry posts pictures of money on his Facebook for no apparent reason
Henry has been given a suspended sentence to 16 months in prison for possession of ketamine with intent to supply.
He must also carry out 150 hours of unpaid work within the next 12 months.
Judge Pringle said: “It is only a class B drug at the moment but it is horse doping medicine, and young people who take it call it wobble because it seems amusing to see the effects it has.
“It will eventually kill you if you carry on, and I hope you all realise that it is a most serious offence.”