Over 7,500 university staff are paid more than £100,000 a year
Some get paid even more than the Prime Minister
Oxford, UCL and Imperial are officially the highest paying universities, where hundreds of staff are given a six figure salary.
Lecturers and academics at Oxford earn the most in the country, with 622 members of staff getting paid more than £100,000 a year.
The Vice Chancellor of one of the country’s worst unis – London Met – is getting paid more than £600,000 a year.
Meanwhile the Nottingham Trent VC is earning £623,000, while an unnamed Oxford academic is on £630,000.
Throughout the country, nearly 3,000 university staff earn more than the Prime Minister.
For running the country, David Cameron makes £142,000 a year – while the average pay for a Vice-Chancellor is now a massive £260,000.
Figures were obtained by the Taxpayers Alliance by Freedom of Information requests.
The highest paid university in Scotland is Glasgow, closely followed by Edinburgh.
St Andrews was way down the list with just 29 staff earning around £100,000 a year.
The highest earning Vice Chancellor – with a £623,000 payout – was Professor Neil Gorman, of Nottingham Trent, a uni ranked just 62nd in the league tables.
A spokesman for the Taxpayers’ Alliance pressure group said: “Despite reductions in funding for students, salaries in many higher education institutions are amongst the highest in the public sector.
“This raises serious questions over student value for money.”