The full Top Gear line-up is here and they’re all wearing really bad jeans
And what are they doing with their hands?
The BBC has gone for lucky number seven with its line-up for the new series of Top Gear. The broadcaster announced the full team on Twitter this morning.
So who are they? From left to right, there’s TV presenter Rory Reid,German racing driver Sabine Schmitz, Matt Le Blanc, main host Chris Evans, racing driver and motoring journalist Chris Harris, Formula One commentator Eddie Jordan and The Stig.
An observation: every single one of them (barring The Stig, of course, who does what he likes) is wearing a pair of jeans similar to those M&S Blue Harbour ones your dad wears everywhere – even to the beach, in summer. Also, someone ought to have given them some direction on where to place their hands.
More observations: Matt Le Blanc did a really good job playing man candy in Friends for a decade, because he actually looks like a really normal bloke; Chris Evans looks like he’s wearing male Uggs; the Stig does look quite menacing tagged on the end of the line-up like an intergalactic guard.
Also a few women on the internet are upset that the only woman in the picture is wearing a T-shirt bearing a female symbol and do not seem to have considered the likelihood that Top Gear is making a knowing joke.
Evans said,“We really do have a bit of everything for everyone.” And he’s probably right – Middle England is huge and there are whole armies of dads in those jeans. Those who predicted the show was going down are will likely be eating their frustrated fury when the show starts again in May.