RIP Brixton Splash: This year’s summer party has been cancelled
Residents complained about ‘mountains of glitter’
This year’s Brixton Splash street festival has been cancelled.
Lambeth council is unhappy about the alleged drug use and crime. Residents also complained about the noise and the “mountains of glitter” left on their streets after last year’s party by the more than 40,000 partiers.
“Sadly, last year’s event became a victim of its own success and we need to pause it for this year, [and] let the community take it back to its roots as a safe, fun event for everyone with professional organisation,” said a council spokesperson. “Road closures, a lack of stewards and inadequate crowd control have added to a sense from local people that the event is too big, too uncontrolled and potentially dangerous.”
A council report alleges that there was a “huge amount of drug taking” and that event staff were smoking weed. A gun was also seized from one of the 40 people who were arrested.
Photo: Brixton Splash
However, festival founder Ros Griffiths – who stepped aside in 2010 – said she hopes this would mean a fresh start for Brixton Splash next year.
“Last year the local reaction was that it has lost direction,” she told the Evening Standard. “Traders were complaining, residents were complaining and there was a problem. The event got too big and moved away from what it was meant to be about. This year’s event has been put on pause to be reviewed and planned for 2017. We want it to be the centrepiece in everyone’s social diary next summer.”
The council is recruiting a new team of volunteers to plan the 2017 Splash. And you’ll have to go to carnival this year.