It turns out that giving free drinks and cheap entry to girls is illegal
Anyone who does it is violating the Equality Act
Girls have long enjoyed a few perks on a night out. Some places promise free (or cheap) entry to female clubbers, and/or “ladies’ night” drinks deals. Sorry lads, but they just weren’t as keen for your custom.
Now, however, the Equality and Humans Rights Commission (EHRC) has asserted that this could be breaking discrimination laws.
“Hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, pubs and recreation centres giving preferential treatment to a particular group, for example an advert stating that women have free entry into a nightclub [would be illegal],” the watchdog states. Presumably, landlords could swerve it by offering the boys some freebies too.
The equality watchdog has also stated that any employers advertising for staff of a specific sex, age or nationality could be prosecuted. Nor can they ask for physical characteristics like height or strength.
The EHRC has received more has offered guidance on how to advertise for roles. Those seeking staff must “avoid job titles that imply a job may be done by men or women only”. So, adverts should use “maintenance worker” instead of “handyman”, and a “bartender” instead of a “barmaid”.
It also cautions against the use of indirectly ageist phrases including “young and dynamic”, “recent graduate” and “mature person”.
It’s all in the words, as usual.