Find out if you’re in the one per cent of people with a photographic memory

Now’s your chance to know the truth


There was always someone who claimed – during that interminable revision slog, when the slightest thing would set you off into a panic spiral, or crying fit – that they had a photographic memory. They were blithe, casual, all whatever about it.

Now you can get your revenge: there is a test going viral that claims to prove whether or not you have an “eidetic memory” – meaning the ability to recall images accurately.

It was created on quiz site, Playbuzz. The site estimates that only 1 per cent of the population will pass.

Questions include recalling details of painting by artists including Van Gogh and Seurat, remembering some white cubes on a grid, and looking at two separate images of spattered red and blue dots. If you have excellent visual recall, you should – apparently – be able to put the images together to form a letter out of the red dots.

Assorted dots: picture 1

Assorted dots: picture 2

It’s a G.

I have definitely claimed to have an almost-photographic memory (“I just revise really well using spider charts because of my superior visual recall”: me, during any exam season ever) and I thought it was an S.

It’s a G.

Take the whole test here: