Justin Bieber asked a fan to put his hair in a ponytail during a concert
U ok hun
Sometimes, you just need a little help. Perhaps, it is closing a sticky window in your bedroom; perhaps it is lifting something, or doing up your dress, or spelling something without the aid of Google.
Or perhaps it is putting your hair in a ponytail. Flyaways tumble out of your grasp, or you miss a chunk at the back and have a half-up, half-down style that makes you look like a toddler allowed to dress themselves.
Justin Bieber is essentially a toddler who is allowed to dress himself. But sometimes he prefers to outsource the task. Anyway, during a concert in California last week he invited a fan on stage to do his hair into a micro ponytail. She used an orange hair bobble.
Watch the video, tweeted by one of the many Belieber fan accounts, here.
“This is goals omg”
Watch him blink too fast, the ghost of a wince crossing his face; watch him change his mind about 15 seconds in. Is she doing a little plait? She’s really tugging, you can tell. It reminds me of submitting to my mother’s aggressive hair brushing before school.
As soon as she lets go, he moves his hand towards his crown, protectively, to stop her from going near it again. She tries. She tries again and he stands up. Then he gives her a hug. I imagine he whispers in her ear, “never touch my hair again”.