Your old Beauty and the Beast VHS could be worth £800
Bet you gave it to a charity shop years ago
Your old Disney videos could make you some serious money.
There is currently an old VHS copy of Beauty and the Beast for sale on Ebay for $1,199.
To put that in context, this means your videos gathering dust back at home could be worth over £800.
The Ebay listing
Although there are not yet any takers of the astronomically high asking price, there does seem to be a method behind the madness.
The reason is a small black diamond on the spine of the video case.
These “Black Diamond Classics” editions seem to sell for significantly more, with many selling in double and triple digits.
Reddit user Reddit_Executive said: “On the spines of some VHS (and BetaMax) tapes is a black diamond with Walt’s signature on it.
“This was Disney’s first attempt to market their videos to homes. Because of this, certain Disney collectors are convinced that these VHS tapes are worth something.”
The coveted ‘Black Diamond’ logo
Ebay have a more comprehensive guide to the Black Diamond here – in the meantime, better start checking your old videos.