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COSMO GODFREE gives his suggestions for new music refreshing enough to lift anyone’s blues.
COSMO GODFREE sees a great band poised on the edge – but are they capable of taking the leap?
COSMO GODFREE finds Passion Pit to be the perfect antidote to combat Week 7 cynicism.
COSMO GODFREE argues that the Rolling Stones have become nothing but rock ‘n’ roll rip-off merchants.
COSMO GODFREE has his soul healed by the gospel-rock of Spiritualized.
Hotly-tipped new band Dog Is Dead celebrated their album release by stripping down…their instruments for an acoustic show. COSMO GODFREE went to see what all the fuss is about.
C.R.E.A.M. is Fez’s latest Sunday night offering, but is it a worthy addition to Cambridge nightlife? Read on to find out.
COSMO GODFREE: The Staves are the best live band I’ve seen in Cambridge.
Despite being in cowboy disguise, COSMO GODFREE still reckons the Mystery Jets are as good as ever.
Jarvis Cocker could have said anything and still been amazing. COSMO GODFREE reacts to the indie heartthrob’s visit to Cambridge.
Cambridge’s musical deprivation is not all it seems, says COSMO GODFREE.
COSMO GODFREE is pleasantly surprised by the solo outing of former Long Blondes star Kate Jackson.
COSMO GODFREE finds Standard Fare lives up to the averageness of its name.
COSMO GODFREE takes you on a tour of the alternative side of festive tunes.
COSMO GODFREE enjoys a man with his pubes on fire, despite his cardinal sin.
COSMO GODFREE falls arse-over-tits for a deranged 54 year old and his cronies.
COSMO GODFREE takes a history lesson in ska with the recently reformed legends of the genera. Up yours, Thatcher.
COSMO GODFREE enjoys the enigmatic, genera-busting, psychedelic rockers strut their stuff in controlled chaos.
COSMO GODFREE muses on the future of a poetic Northern band and their performance in a pub.