The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Imagine being an Apple Music user right now lmao
She’s ‘exposing’ him and leaking screenshots
Oh my god I cannot WAIT to start binging
Surely it’s ‘Shine Jesus Shine’
This would give me sooo much anxiety
He said: ‘Jack stood against everything you stand for’
WhY sHouLd My pArenTs pAy taX???
You know hyperconsumerism is killing our planet
Apparently, there is ‘no equivalence’ between the two
All you need to do is open an account with £1
She’s also dating a Busted band member
It’s definitely Exeter isn’t it?
Loooool this film is a mess
Roger Hallam has questioned the significance of the Holocaust in his latest interview
Lol how did Britain ever run the world? We’re a mess
It’s going to be so tragic I love it
‘He wanted to buy a Margaret Thatcher cut out for his room’
*pulls out Monzo card with £4 on the account*
She used a system of safe words and signals with an ex-partner
Margaret really was a party gal
Burn it, burn it with FIRE
Burn it, burn it with FIRE
Ashley Walters said storylines are already being worked out
If you’ve ever had shiny balloons for your birthday – you’re a new Tory
Wow. Take a seat my friend. This is wild.
Bone apple teeth my friends
Kevin the Carrot is BACK
The accused man has pleaded not guilty
Omg remember when they were white???
He also doesn’t believe racism or classism had anything to do with the tragedy
First Nadine, now Caitlyn – this line up is looking WILD
This is so pathetic loooool
‘She really went out and used people’s cultures as a costume!’
We’ll CARRY ON!!!!!!
It’s going to be a 12-part drama!
Where are they now?
Asking for a friend, obviously
The prices went up in August, but have been brought back down after customer outrage
Wait, they have day jobs?!
The cast looks so good this year
‘Sorry for the wait, my friend got shot’
According to Google Trends
Pictures of Brooklyn and Natalie emerged from last weekend
The Gloucestershire fresher died from alcohol poisoning
This meme is the best
She’s called it ‘insane’
Is this a circus? Because we are all clowns
Spark AR, the company behind Insta’s AR filters, will systematically remove the filters
Female employees were told to look healthy and fit, with ‘manicured nails’
The video was quickly taken down
Help, I’m addicted to this app
The proof that Kylie is the most talented in the family
If you packed fairy lights, you’re The Mum!
She’s 56th in line to the throne
No phones are allowed
I’ll have what she’s having
The entire film was packed with them
If I don’t get Maury, I’m suing!!!
I never want it to end
The owner said it was a ‘very human mistake’
Welcome to university x
Fans claim Scott ‘took trips’ with Ro while he was dating Kylie
Wow this tea is steaming
She was papped leaving ex Tyga’s studio last night ?
The company shared her bikini pictures on their social media, shaming her for posting them
Sincerely, everyone
The levels to the storyline were unreal
The first batch of tickets will go on sale this Thursday
But they’re all so good?!
Spot the red flags before it’s too late
Products made of vinyl or imitation leather may contain traces of lead
Mark Ronson recently ‘came out’ as one
Disney did our queen dirty
If they sleep with me, does it mean I’m better than everyone?
Angry customers asked ‘do you sell rapist keyrings too?’
Cameron’s six-year-old son Ivan passed away in 2009
An investigation
It takes two to create a toxic friendship
Also known as ‘one-woman Fyre Fest’
Manchester here I come!
Manchester here I come!
The Love Island winner finally speaks out
What in the fresh hell was this show
People are comparing her to ‘Rachel Dolezal’
She’s suing for $10 million in damages
Your brain may still associate this period with going back to school
White privilege, we meet again!
And where does he live? Asking for a friend