The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
He told us his newfound title is going on his Linkedin
She said her newfound title is going in her Tinder bio
‘We cannot deliver in-person graduation ceremonies as we would have wished this summer’
Vote now to crown you favourite man the most eligible bachelor in Exeter!
Vote now to crown you favourite gal the most eligible bachelorette in Exeter!
One boy uses quantitive methods as dirty talk…
One girl’s ideal first date is hot girl summer
*cries in no diss Insta pics*
One boy said he should win because his Nan thinks he’s handsome and honestly this is the wholesome vibes we all need right now
One girl’s ideal first date is an Impy trip and honestly fair
‘Misogyny and violence against women must change’
‘Misogyny and violence against women must change’
One boy thinks Shrek is a romantic movie
Make sure to vote for your fave gal to see her in the final!
One boy’s patatas bravas will win your heart
One girl has promised to buy everyone who votes for her a round on June 21st, so she definitely has mine
Over 300 students are still unable to return to their accommodation
Students will be able to collect ‘essential belongings’ only from tomorrow
Students will be able to collect ‘essential belongings’ only from tomorrow
‘We were told we could return to take our stuff at our own risk since it’s life threatening’
A small number of buildings were damaged by the controlled explosion
The explosion was apparently heard from Tiverton
One bachelor’s nan will apparently interrogate you…
Going to bottomless brunch on a first date is honestly the chaotic energy we need in 2021
The search for Exeter’s most eligible bachelor continues in 2021
Nominate yourself or you mates for Exeter’s most eligible bachelorette 2021
He graduated from Exeter in 2015
Next they’ll be asking people to sponsor a student for just £1 a week!
They first disabled the comments, then deleted the post
Pole fitness and the Exeter Demons have both got involved!
It is now a criminal offence for any visitors to enter the property
‘One thing that would justify full price tuition fees would be putting our fees towards wellbeing spending, but they haven’t even done that’
‘I asked to reschedule my session after losing my sister and never heard anything back from them’
You CAN go out for a final drink with your mates but only if it’s with a meal
Exeter has raised the most money out of any university so far!
Security were called to break up illegal gatherings
Security were called to break up illegal gatherings
A total of 12 fines were given out by police on the night
Over 1,700 Exeter students told us they thought the policy wasn’t effective
300 Exeter students told us they had tested positive for Covid-19
Because day drinking is the new night out
One Fresher says she feels they’re being ‘locked up like criminals’
Half the Covid cases in Devon are linked to the uni
Half the Covid cases in Devon are linked to the uni
‘It wasn’t distanced at all’
‘It wasn’t distanced at all’
‘We want to create an honest discussion about social mobility and inclusivity within the Exeter student body’
We also ranked fifth for sport
The uni will be one of the first in the country to offer rapid coronavirus spit tests
The best part? You don’t need any prior experience!
‘The neighbours reported us for public defecation’
The University is investigating
He’s been accused of ‘trivialising’ police brutality in the UK
Prepare to eat your body weight in chicken nuggets
Photoshop is a truly magical thing
‘We know that it is well within our legal rights as tenants to challenge excessively high rent charges’
‘Work will be assessed in a way that takes account of the extraordinary and challenging conditions’
‘He sh*t his pants on the date’
The queues are a joke
Exeter’s biggest flirt