The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
ELLIE PITHERS had a whale of a time, but her booze cruise came to an end earlier than planned.
Stuck for plans for the Willie Holiday tomorrow? Make it a right royal piss up or escape the Wedding madness with The Tab’s events barometer for varying levels of enthusiasm.
ELLIE PITHERS: “Hogwarts is just a glorified version of the Eton School of Twatcraft and Snobbery.”
Milk the Freshers’ Fair for all its worth, with The Tab’s guide to the freebies you should be bagging.
Would you pay £3,000 for 2 weeks of unpaid work experience? Working for free has suddenly got alot more expensive, says ELLIE PITHERS.
Deputy Editor ELLIE PITHERS investigates why girls at Cambridge should try to “write like a boy”.
TAKE ME OUT: Spend your parents’ money and celebrate your degree with The Tab’s restaurant guide.
ELLIE PITHERS: ‘The Emmanuel Committee succeeded in creating a Ball atmosphere with an Event’s budget.’
All you’ve got left is shit chat, but it’s not hard to get tongues wagging with a bit of crap and a pug. ELLIE PITHERS scrapes the barrel of conversation fodder.
It’s death-defying, it’s illegal, and it’s happening at a college near you. ELLIE PITHERS meets a Night Climber.
The definitive guide to Garden Parties in May Week 2010.
With the onset of Week 5 self-loathing, ELLIE PITHERS attacks the Petite Girl.
ELLIE PITHERS on the friends you want to live with and those to avoid like the out-of-date milk they left in the fridge.
Shaving off your eyebrows is being touted as the budget route to a hot new look in 2010 by American Vogue, but ELLIE PITHERS refuses to be brow beaten.
ELLIE PITHERS: Now Muslim girls can play with a Barbie which “represents them†– but what about the lesbians, the crack whores, the binge-drinkers?
Forget Buck House, the X Factor’s north-west London studios saw the nation’s real queen on show. ELLIE PITHERS tries to work out why.
Ellie Pithers explains why infallibility is the stuff of legends, and only that.