Holly Rebekah

Holly Rebekah
Lincoln University


The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.


Man held in custody over alleged rape on University of Lincoln campus is bailed

Two men were actively arrested over the alleged attack

The University of Lincoln drops in Times UK university rankings

Goodbye first rate education, hello the University of Lincoln

From flatmates to Freshers’ flu: Here’s what to expect as a Lincoln Fresher

Five things you should definitely know before your first week