
Cambridge’s appropriation of the working class makes for bitter social division

Nobody likes a phony, as Holden Caulfield would say, and as the U.S electorate’s distaste of Hillary Clinton would demonstrate.

Bake Off’s Andrew: It sounds like Oxford students know how to party

The Tab inteviews Cantab cooking inspiration Andrew Smyth

Oxbridge don’t care about your ‘X Factor sob story’ personal statements

You’re going to save the world yeah?

Drugged up guinea pigs given coke, ecstasy and weed then ‘sacrificed’

Is Old MacDonald their dealer?

This is what Cambridge students’ bums look like

Our sister paper in Cambridge held a Rear of the Year contest…

The May Ball Crashers

A group of individuals known only as ‘The C Team’ illegally infiltrated several Balls this May Week.

Pec-tacular Damon and Clooney work out in Cambridge gym

Hollywood megastars Clooney and Damon took to Kelsey Kerridge Sports Centre to pump some iron earlier this week.

TabTV Inside: A Day With The EDL

NICK HARRIS and MAX TOOMEY wanted to see what the EDL was really like. Here’s what happened when they spent a day inside the Cambridge protest.