The final ever clubbers from Wahoo

Saddest day in Brookes history

Now Wahoo has shut their doors forever, here are the very last clubbers from one of Brookes’ biggest and most beloved clubs.


Freshers this is what you look like to third years

Got my eye on you

He looks so unimpressed

maybe he’s thinking about life without Wahoo

Life is going to be hell without Wahoo

Just give up now Wahoo is closed

Most fabulous clubber ever in Wahoo

Not even Deadpool can save Wahoo now

Permit holders only please ladies

Pharaoh of Fuzz

The dream team

The meme is dead

Thinking of Fuzzy’s past

Those cheekbones though

We will miss this

You can’t be this happy in Bridge

You probably recognise him from his bangers every Wednesday