Crackpots at PETA are roasting this Yale professor for ‘torturing birds to death’
She’s actually researching avian endocrinology
Spare a thought for Christine Lattin, a graduate student at Yale who is getting absolutely slammed by vegans for carrying out postdoctoral research on birds.
Maniacs at PETA have run an attack ad against Lattin, a PhD student at Yale's medical school, for "torturing songbirds in cruel experiments."
"After weeks or months of repeated abuse, they are killed," they claim. "Her experiments are curiosity-driven, with no meaningful application to humans or birds."
Lattin says her research "seeks to clarify how neuroendocrine systems help organisms respond appropriately to their ever-changing environments."
It's easy to laugh at PETA's latest bonkers attempt to stir up outrage – their video is designed to appeal to only the most dumbass "Share if you agree! Tag a friend who relates to this digital content!" audience on Facebook.
But PETA's army of vegan zealots have answered the call, and within hours of the video being posted have started calling for the firing and murder of a research student in New Haven.
Please kill more of those birds.