

A girl found out her dad isn’t really her dad in a biology class and people are losing their damn minds

Now her parents are getting a divorce

The sorority girl who faked cancer and scammed friends out of $10,000 isn’t going to jail

Kelly Schmahl pleaded guilty to theft by deception

Nearly half of all sexual assaults reported at Michigan State occur in dorms, according to a new map

And half of all incidents are reported on the weekend

Every person you’ve drunkenly met at a tailgate this semester

Because who actually goes for the game?

Penn State disciplines seven students in connection with the death of Timothy Piazza

Violations included ‘hazing’ and ‘creating a condition that endangers’

I tried the ‘Freshman 15’ of sex toys

Yes, apparently this is a thing

SUNY Geneseo trans students react to sociology professor’s transphobic quiz

‘I am disappointed and shocked that such blatant transphobia occurred in a lecture on our campus which claims to so highly value diversity and inclusivity’

The best Rupi Kaur poems from meme groups across America

I, too, am an intellectual

Heard something you think
we should know?

We want to look into your case


Which Kardashian is your Big 10 school?

Who said football’s not as bitchy as reality TV?

These roommate sex horror stories will send a shiver down your spine

Whatever happened to leaving a sock on the door?

Take this quiz and we’ll tell you how much of a sellout you’ll become

This quiz is completely accurate

Ciao Ryan says his life has changed since becoming an internationally famous meme

People are coming up to him on campus and asking him to say ‘ciao’

A definitive ranking of the AP Top 25 by how bangable the coaches are

‘Nick Saban looks like a selfish lover, but I’d let it slide because he’s clearly got a huge dick’

These campus cops did a big-little reveal shoot and honestly I would give them a bid

‘It’s big/lil season and UPD just got their matches’

Is there a single one of God’s beautiful creatures that frat boys won’t use to drink from?

Apparently not

I was left homeless aged 9 after my dad was shot dead – now I’m trying to help kids like me get into college

Darius Baxter is a Georgetown grad and co-founder of GOODProjects