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Whitworth House, a hostel for vulnerable women, is threatened with closure
She is taking unpaid leave during the preparation for the government inquiry into the allegations against Oxfam workers
The JCR has called into question whether Barbara should remain President
The charity has stopped taking any donations after “financial challenges”
The image has brought down the website of the company selling the coat featured
The NUS President said that the controversy had provided new platforms for her “to put out our vision of the future”.
Andrew Smyth, an Engineer from Cambridge, is set to take part in this year’s Great British Bake Off.
After months of waiting, CUSU receives a reply to an open letter calling for the NUS to address allegations of anti-Semitic policies and remarks.
The fundamentalist Christian preachers have sparked a peaceful counter-protest by LGBT+ campaigners
QUEXIT joins PEXIT to call for JCR disaffiliation from CUSU