The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Looks like I’m hanging out with the rugby boys
Someone get me an UBER I am dying out here
Please say I am not signet ring posh
Why was there always a cool kid with a clothing brand
Find one at a university near you
I am a constant disappointment
Work hard, play hard, CEO @ self-employed
There is no such thing as too much highlighter
Never trust a girl in gym leggings
Because Nutella defs means you like a bad boy
‘Investment banker with a net worth of over 3.5 Billion…interested now?’
Look, I am as shocked as you are ok
Oh how the mighty hath fallen
People looked at me like they were concerned for my health
Pretty sure people from Wolverhampton don’t say ‘yall’
Nutella? Don’t you mean Notella
And apparently they don’t even fade
What does it mean though?
Topshop lighting makes me want an acid peel
This is peak hatfishing
Your life sucks in comparison
So here for outdoorsy fit
And no you can’t join
Their baked goods should be available on the NHS
Soirée in my drawing room tonight guys??
Pass the ketchup, I have found my calling
Pass the garlic mayo, I have a dick appointment in 10 mins
Feeling 10/10 walking into pres with my Echo Falls summer fruits
She peaked at R.I.P and why is she still famous, again?
Why would I wake up 15 mins earlier than I have to?
Those guys in Huf socks need to stop thinking they own music
Exeter are second probs because they’re bored af
She’s still got better eyebrows than you
How did they not know their mum was watching?
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up
Yes Lewis Hamilton, I am talking to you
Are you taking a selfie at the gym? BASIC
No, they haven’t been hacked
You thought it was going to be fun? Lol
She’s a 70-year-old Tory trapped in a Made in Chelsea character’s body
Enjoy the blue pitchers at Spoons, again
Obviously they couldn’t
We get it, you love pizza
Well now then Mardy Bum
Leave home at 21? AHAHAHHAHHA
If anyone knows a cheater called Ben, pls get in touch
Please stop
Bet you’ve never actually been to New York
‘Yaaaaaaas qweeeeen’
If you like it then you should’a put a ring on it
‘Just wait for the drop’
Pour it up, pour it up
I could have told you guys this years ago
Where’s the bacon at?
Worn with Jeffery Campbell boots obviously
An ode to those with no space
He had 17p in his bank account