The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
The band played the Leadmill stage at Tramlines
‘I aspire to write giant songs about tiny subjects’
Sarah was festival director for five years
KSI is playing in Sheffield tonight
“You know I be doing the most”
Williamson has been suspended over antisemitism
Start your weekend early with the Red Bull Road Block
It’s a landslide for one Uni Of favourite
It’s part of a more inclusive approach
She’s taking part in litter picks for every £10 raised
The NUS could have lost £23k a year if the SU left
‘Dance music has changed in every way you can think of’
The group works to fight blood cancer
He’s running to be your Development Officer
She’s running for Women’s Officer
Beren is running for Welfare Officer
Jaz is running partway through her degree
She’s running to be Women’s Officer
“So much of what we learn at university is the stories of white, dead men”
Ben is running for Education Officer
They’ve never been to Sheffield before so are in for a treat with WSL
The posters urge students at the university to not challenge people they feel are in the ‘wrong’ bathroom
He became Lord Mayor in May 2018
The play Cafe Totem on 2 March
They visit the House of Commons on 13 March
“My sound is working class-England over the last 25 years”
They’d love it if you made it
It’s fetishised by soft southerners regardless of its shortcomings
Banger after banger, front to the back
Staff say this would lead to social division and ‘ghetto-isation’
She kept her story secret for over 60 years
‘We fully understand the expected frustrations of our supporters’
‘The swastika is a symbol of pure hatred’
It’s a milestone in SU politics at Sheffield
The auction we need but don’t deserve
There’s no place like (Sheffield’s) home (of indie)
“When you’re a student it’s a soup of creativity”
Maybe they’re minted, maybe they just can’t budget
A march took place from the Cathedral to the SU
‘The sport for all shapes, sizes and abilities’
There is an appeal hearing next week
Deadlines aren’t stopping this lot
‘Uni can be lonely and that’s okay’
“Have a good idea, and explain it well”
Kent University have removed the graffiti
They have a £3 million deficit
They’ve cancelled the event after police launch investigation into anti-Semitism within the Labour Party
One committee member described him as ‘part of our movement’.
A monster mash up of club photos
11 were murdered at a synagogue yesterday
It comes in the festival’s tenth year
69 per cent voted in favour of strike action
They’ve gigged with Queens of the Stone Age and The Libertines
‘I was walking down West Street when a promoter slapped me on the arse’
Stein time with everyone’s favourite chaser
Just in time for Roar tonight
He will become an honorary doctor
A whole new level of commitment
He previously said he would not resign following allegations of antisemitism
They’re coming home
There will be hundreds of giveaways
‘The space we work in is important’
They are the first organisations to do so
One for the ravers – and big kids
It marks a change from Dirty Deeds
Anyone else like computers? xD
They are dedicated to welcoming new members
From big beats to baking biscuits
Expect more than 11 hours of music
Ayo Olatunji has said he will not step down from his position
Loyalty cards at the ready
Get ready for more messy Mondays
From Corp regulars to sad boys
Swap blue pints for true love
Your essential guide to the first fortnight
The event has been going 10 years
This is not a drill
Jukebox in the corner, long hot summer
They did things they never dreamed they would
A fundraiser has been started to pay for his legal fees
We’re already buzzing for Tramlines 2019
What a weird and wavey weekend
Sarah died this month aged 36
‘The people of Sheffield are very special’
The four-piece played Tramlines on Friday
A limited tram service will operate
Tens of thousands visit Sheffield this weekend
“I feel I have not been listened to”
Printed By Us have contributed to an exhibition opening tomorrow
Around 8,000 people showed up
Of course he’s coming to Viper
He returns to Parliament this month
Find out who’s playing when
17 events are planned to start the term
Watch football come home in football’s home city