The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
The association referred to the university’s silence as ‘shameful’
Still ahead of Edinburgh, not that it’s a competition
Sign me up for the charcuterie society
Come to our open meeting at 5pm on the 21st of September at Tennent’s Bar
Whilst the marking and assessment boycott has been withdrawn by the UCU, other forms of strikes will continue
The error was the second the law school have made concerning this exam
Road closures, where to watch, and should you be interested in going?
The most Barbie-tastic spots in the city
The University of Strathclyde contends the footage is unavailable due to a ‘technical fault’
‘This is an insult to me and my supervisor’
Suleman Dawood has been described as a ‘beloved son’ who would ‘do anything for anyone’
19-year-old Suleman Dawood is on board with his dad
‘Not knowing my degree classification slightly taints my experience as I am still anxiously awaiting results’
It will be the first graduation ceremony taking place in the country since the marking boycott began
With graduations starting in six days, students will cross the stage without knowing their degree class
The university has confirmed a one-time payment of £600 will be made to all Scottish students
Every day it gets harder and harder to defend my uni
Suddenly mine doesn’t sound so bad
Drinks, fashion, black tie – what more could a girl want?
I sat down with Lexi, Beth, and Nathan to hear about their experience running the uni fashion show
Because realistically who do you love more than your pals?
You can finally put that TikTok obsession to good use
We got to talk the talk with the students who are walking the walk this year
UCU action is taking place 24th, 25th, and 30th of November across the UK
Are we woke or are we hypocrites?
We can all celebrate it not going ‘home’ together
‘It is crucial to keep the momentum going and not let the voices of the protestors become silenced’
TRICK OR TREAT yourself to a look at some great costumes
The team also included a picture of a Little Britain character in a wheelchair
*Insert bad Taylor Swift pun here*
Here to help you have a BOO-zy Halloween!
Smith was the first African American in the world to hold a medical degree
We’d be going viral for all the wrong reasons
Probably the most boring reason to go to the cinema since Justice League came out
No pressure here – only your degree on the line
This is entirely opinion-based, no scientific research has been partaken