I showed up to a Taylor Swift Society social as a non-Swiftie and had the best time
*Insert bad Taylor Swift pun here*
Glasgow Uni is full of wonderful societies that a lot of people just wouldn’t think that they could be a part of, myself included. I wanted to challenge myself and try something new by attending a social put on by the ‘Glasgow Uni Taylor Swift Society’ – a pres event followed by Taylor Swift HIVE. As a fourth-year student and as a general non-Swiftie, I thought this would be a great opportunity to widen my horizons, try something new, and get the most out of the uni experience.
As a bit of background, I like Taylor, but I never truly understood the craze. I think what she’s done is immense and I’m unmistakably impartial to a little ‘Shake It Off’ when I’m drunk. I don’t, however, love her. I haven’t really listened to her newer stuff (other than a cheeky All Too Well 10 min version if you can call that new) but obviously, when I am listening, it’s the updated ‘Taylor’s Version’ track where possible. In summary: do I know her bigger tunes? Love them. Do I think she’s cool? Yeah kinda. Would I consider myself a stan? No, really not.
All things considered, I was mega excited about this event. I dragged my sister with me as moral support and we went in to meet the society in GUU. The dress code was ‘Midnight Blue’ for the new album and I obviously had to at least attempt to show up to brief, as many people did.
We got there just after 8pm and headed straight to Base Bar where the pres event was. Immediately immaculate vibes, everyone was so lovely which made the GUU queues for drinks worth it. Base is where some of the lesser-known tunes were on and everybody was loving it, and the energy was incredible.
Hive started at 10 and – omg – what a vibe. The DJ played Lizzo, Megan, and Harry as well as Taylor, thankfully, so I could still sing along as very very needed from drunk Emily. Drunk banger after drunk banger. It was absolutely packed and people were so friendly – a rare club experience.
All in all, from my point of view as a non-Swiftie, it was perfect. Many many of her bangers played, I knew more songs than I didn’t (thanks TikTok), and the range in music helped too. As I’ve said, everybody was so lovely and the vibes were great. If you’re considering going as a non-fan at the next social, please, please do – and come and say hi to me.
I, as always, was a little too far gone after many pints of fun and double vod crans and at the time of writing am thoroughly enjoying my maccies breakfast and reminiscing. My sister is currently playing ‘Midnights’, the new album, and I am real excited to attend more Taylor Swift events.
Thank you so much to the Taylor Swift society for allowing me to come and providing me with one of my only great nights in Hive. I am a ‘Swift sceptic’ converted and you will see me again.
Let us know what other societies we should come along to on our Instagram.