The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
The collab was celebrating HARD’s first edition “METAMORPHOSIS” of the year
They will be raising money for MIND
The library has closed and staff have been told to go home
The first event of the year is this Friday
The Upper East Side series begins in Mansion on Monday
Get ready to hate your mates
It is an extensive list
Who is 2018’s Biggest Name on Campus? YOU decide
The student said: ‘If you can say hola I can say n***a’
The decision was taken lightly
Will you be that shawty fire burning on the dance floor?
Please drop out if you’ve done any more than three of these, you reprobate
A whole forty days without Salvos, are you mad?!?!
Maybe we could go to the Pitcher and Piano on Church Road? No chance, my friends and I are not bellends
This is surprisingly hard news to take
It’s literally the Christmas gift we all wanted
No one is Love Actually or Bad Santa
The calendar is raising money for York Mind
He emailed everyone letting him know he wasn’t taking any bullshit
She’ll be in Waterstones on Coney Street
There are some shockers this time around
This quiz was built on hard facts
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
An SU officer didn’t think an apology would be ‘particularly proactive’
The club wasted over £1,000 on his diva requests
‘Sorry, my doctor said I can’t come to the gym today’
Everything looks weirdly different
Trust us, the top two are seriously shocking
He was reading the tributes written on the door
It means we also spend the least on going out
On paper, they were definitely the real winners
It will be an election special on the 2nd June and you can apply to be in the audience
The Labour leader was met warmly in St Helens Square yesterday afternoon
Corbynmania will hit the streets on Wednesday 10th May
Money was stolen from The Edge Bar
Josh is raising money for Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
50 different sports were played throughout the week
This year we beat KCL, Edinburgh, Manchester and Newcastle
The club are raising money for York Mind
It was the 60th most visited place last year
One team only made it to Sheffield
Five minutes of your time you won’t ever get back
The Dumble-doors will open at 6pm on Saturday
They’re screening the Pro Wrestling doc and the event is completely free
We also came third for happiest and safest
They are building a replica of London’s Tower Bridge
They went back to their accommodation at the beginning of term
The protest will begin at 5pm this evening
Two freshers were immediately moved out of ‘A block’ but the university say it had nothing to do with the asbestos
One of the students called it “A complete piss take.”
The University Lacrosse Club held one last week