The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
‘The sort of mischievous hackery and that I learnt whilst doing The Tab’
Exclusive: Long hidden, The Tab obtained the college-by-college data which tells the true story of Cambridge admissions
Welcome to our 10x Campaign to widen uni admissions
Posts on call the debunked story ‘a harrowing report’
‘In the hierarchy of polling sins, I think this ranks pretty highly’
Is this normal for Britain now?
Art imitates life for a Fulbright Scholar and composer
‘Come together as one united people,’ Trump said. ‘Execute her!’ shouted a fan behind me
‘Anger can be power if you know how to use it’
It’s pretty pointed
The Cubs won the World Series from 3-1 down
We learn about how the law works from high-profile trials. And this time we’ve learned it wrong
How CNN reported the fallout of Anthony Weiner’s sexting
This is what happens when fear of terrorism sends an American airport into meltdown
It happened at FBI headquarters this morning
The jury in the Vanderbilt football case deliberated for four hours today
Leaders respond to Orlando atrocity with gun message
We were with the San Francisco Berners at the very end
The prosecutor read out the texts live on air just now
We watched his rally in San Francisco
Abby Miller, Anna Hopkins, Caroline Phinney and Karen Ruiz all helped set up Tab sites at their universities
‘We’re going to do it in a way so that nobody gets scooped’
‘He’s not a guy you would want to go for a beer with’
‘Go fucking drive you little fuck’
We spoke to the company helping Ted Cruz – and the Out campaign
How a failing Cambridge student became the Archbishop of Canterbury
‘It is hellish. It is absolutely hellish’
Peter Tatchell. PETER TATCHELL.
Is there anyone living in the highest homes in Europe?
So why did people spread it?