The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Find one to win free entry and queue jump to Bridge tonight, and a ticket to the official Varsity Match after party
The finance society just got even less fun
MAX BRAY tells you why leaving the safety of Oxford during your first term is a terrible idea
£5 to see a bloke play a pre drinks set
Reticulating splines and other ominous warnings
Peter Corden hits back at accusations that his school bred a culture of hatred
We took pictures of Oxford’s most uncomfortable new recruits
Havana Club and Brooke’s EDMS turned Cowley into Cuba
Stephen Fry, Sir Ian Mckellen and Twitter founder Jack Dorsey top the bill in a strong Union lineup
Sacked OxStu ed Amelia Hamer slams OUSU for ‘gagging’ paper
Sickening stereotypes and brutish behaviour – Lucy Clarke tells all
No-one at Oxford is like this
We’re tucking into too many a Taylor’s
Incoming President Trup announces that problems are best fixed by throwing loads of money at them.
It turns out that if you rearrange the order of words, they make other words!
Everyone fits a category, but which irritating library stereotype are you?
No one likes paying for stuff, so here’s how to sneak into the most expensive (and often overrated) parties this term.
The question on everyone’s lips – what are Putin’s Desert Island Discs? The Tab tells all.
MAX BRAY tells us why the trend is accidental genius and why whinging about no makeup selfies is pointless
MAX BRAY tells us why playing sports in Oxford sucks unless you’re really bloody good or don’t care about matches never happening
The Tab tried the dating app that’s sweeping the nation, and the results were quite Tinderesting
Valentine’s is fast approaching – here’s our list of what you DON’T want to receive
Didn’t get a ticket to No Scrubs? Don’t fear, your night won’t be shit after all!
Go to Oxford? Likelihood is you’ll become a teacher. Unlucky!
The Tab went to a comedy night in Jericho, and actually laughed a few times
Because you definitely had some shit nights out in Michaelmas
The definitive guide for scoring in the sexiest library in Oxford
No uni due to striking lecturers, here are the best ways to spend that blessed free time.