The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Today Hyde Park, tomorrow – Berghain????
Pour one out for your Pisces and Aries mates
Leeds students aren’t getting uni advice fast enough to book their tickets home
Two minute walk from Sainsbury’s? We’re sold
‘Peggy Gou at the Refectory is like throwing a rave at your nan’s house’
She even wrote us a poem
There are live electrics hanging from the ceiling
Finally, some delicious fucking content
But is anyone really surprised?
Quick pint before some pull-ups?
Not as bad as Joe, obviously, but the worst nonetheless
You probably won’t see a palm tree on fire around Hyde Park any time soon
Finders keepers????
We really wish this was satire
‘Fuck the Tories’… except my Tory best friend
Finally, some delicious fucking CONTENT
It’ll make you feel nostalgic for a city you didn’t even know
They had to wait 24 hours for their landlord
Surprisingly, nobody misses Roger Stevens
‘Here’s a post from one year ago today’ – but what if we’d rather forget?
They issued an apology to the whole of Manor Drive for the noise via LeedsFess
From Akmal’s to Zulfi’s and everything in between
Mums are ALWAYS right tbf
I felt like I was perpetually experiencing a drug overdose
Didn’t find a single member of the royal family smh
It’s like putting the Bard in a bikini
Can the NHS come and collect their man-child please
The finest Leeds has to offer
Mulled wine and nibbles anyone?
It’s okay to actually… be okay
Instagram is the only place worth taking your hoe-related business
Charles Morris? Instant swipe left
Two good hands to choke me daddy
He was the only one worthy of the Iron Throne anyway
Gutted if you’re a Bolton
Cersei Lannister is kinky af
Gentle reminder that the Doctor is literally an ALIEN
This isn’t ‘political correctness gone mad’, this is racism
Gutted if you got with a teacher
There are better reasons to vote Labour
What starts with s and rhymes with flake
Yes I promise I’m fine
They’ve been called out for their unprofessionalism
Literally not a single person
There’s no room for ‘individualistic’ feminism
You can’t remedy depression with ‘love’
You’re basically a massive nature-loving hippie
All found in a Facebook album called ‘me and my friends XD’
Alternatively it may be everything that is wrong with the world
Sindenbush? Sindenbush
Nudity was the norm in your boarding house
The awkwardness is unbearable
The awkwardness is unbearable
Please don’t tell me I’m ‘pretty for a mixed-race girl’
Who’s the real winner here?
He’s the guy that coined the ‘male gaze’
Forget realising things, 2017 is the year we’re getting shit done
Apologies for being politically engaged
You can say goodbye to Waitrose for a start
Say you’re from Birmingham and leave it
Am I still a bit bitter? Probably
38 per cent of girls at Leeds are victims of sexual assault
Trump didn’t win the election, anti-globalisation did
How can I forget when there’s still so much conflict in the world?
To dress with the male gaze in mind is not to ‘play along with it’, by any means. It’s to challenge it
‘Oh, you know Darce Hunter-Chesterton too? Our dads were at Oxford together!’
It was months before I accepted that my friend had assaulted me