The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
“The problem with girls like that is they give all girls a bad name.” Well not these girls. These girls absolutely smashed it.
The boys from Toucan talk getting into comedy, the Fringe and their show
Want to make it in the Cambridge theatre scene? Check out our advice on surviving auditions.
Love theatre? Love alcohol? You’ll love this.
MARK DANCIGER is impressed with the consistency of the Cambridge Footlights but sees more potential as the tour continues.
RACHEL TOOKEY is impressed with the effective and clever use of soundscapes in this strong production.
JOEL COLLICK reflects on the election results and the satire and depth of HATS new show ‘The Coalition’
Get voting on the first installment of the ‘comedy’ nominations.
MOLLY O’CONNOR is impressed with the young performers and beautiful score in this musical adaption of a childhood classic.
MOLLY O’CONNOR enjoyed the show with its impressive live musicians but feels a little more drama is needed.
JOSSIE EVANS escapes revision for an evening and finds it really rather pleasant.
Camdram; one of those Cambridge terms we never really did understand. Here, MOLLY O’CONNOR explains all.
JOSSIE EVANS is impressed with the slickness and strength of performances in Wasted.
As a production, BARE is almost perfect. Tonight’s performance was less so, but we both recognise its potential.
BARE is set to have you dancing and crying with a strong musical score and talented cast
Can’t do PPE? Cambridge turns us into political animals anyway
ISA BONACHERA enjoyed this beautiful performance of an unconventional opera.
FREYA HARRIS is pleasantly surprised by the cheesy tunes of the CU Show Choir
Mark Danciger is more than impressed with this traditional and polished performance of Henry IV.
ISA BONACHERA is positive that What the Dickens will take the Edinburgh Fringe by storm.
Will Popplewell put CUPO’s ‘service to the test’ and was completely blown away. He really cannot ‘let it go’.
Megan and Rebecca give us their experience of auditioning for drama school coming from Cambridge.
I would give it a “starred” first for innovation