The Tab revolutionises theatre reviewing once again

I would give it a “starred” first for innovation

It is the stars, the stars above us, govern our conditions/reviews.

We tried. We really did try. We were edgy and cool and totally out there.

Alas, the avant-garde world of rating was too chic and reminiscent of our academic failings for us crocodiles to handle. We were Icarus. We flew too close to the sun.

And so, with great pleasure, we introduce the star rating system. You may remember it from such remote areas as last year, Varsity, and really all other theatre rating systems.

…Almost wetting ourselves with excitement RE the return of the star rating system!

In case anyone is confused, this is a rough guide to the star rating system we will henceforth be implementing:

1 star – Poor to okay: relatively unenjoyable.

2 stars – Vaguely ok: has potential.

3 stars – Good to very good: enjoyed.

4 stars – Very good to excellent: enjoyed a lot and would highly recommend.

5 stars – Outstanding, with few to no faults: would see again. And almost impossible to achieve. Similar to getting a kite to fly for more than 15 seconds.

‘Stars / In your multitudes’- Javert knows


We may even flaunt our ability to rate accurately by assigning an additional half star to some shows if we don’t think one of these levels quite cuts it.

We have a few theatre-related article ideas, besides previews, reviews and this one, planned for the term too, so keep your eyes peeled!

In the meantime, meet your new editors:

Sam Benson

Born to be a star…well at least dish them out.

Sam pretends to act and warbles a few notes sometimes in musicals and the university Show Choir. Sam hangs around with a lot of actors from drama school and thinks she is kind of famous because of it. She likes to moan about things everything, and can often be found in theatre bars drinking cocktails pretending to actually be something important.

Phoebe Jayes

Not afraid to bite.

Phoebe greatly enjoyed listening to the horrified gasps of her thesp friends followed by the “but you don’t act” when she informed them she was to be theatre editor this term. Coming from a theatre family, Phoebe couldn’t give less of a shit and is really looking forward to exhausting her right to free theatre tickets in Cambridge.

In her free time Phoebe likes to watch shows, assign star ratings to the shows she has watched and write about herself in the third person.

If anyone is interested in writing for us, then drop us an email at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you!