The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
At £150 a ticket, TABATHA LEGGETT is left underwhelmed by Peterhouse’s white tie ball.
It’s been a year since the world discovered P.Middy’s bum. TABATHA LEGGETT is on the look out for the next big thing.
Everyone’s favourite sex god is back. No, it’s not TABATHA LEGGETT, it’s only MATT BLOODY CARDLE!
TABATHA LEGGETT is back, and today she’s talking to Made in Chelsea stars ROSIE FORTESCUE and JAMIE LAING.
TABATHA LEGGETT catches up with Made in Chelsea stars ahead of the show’s third series. In today’s installment: AMBER ATHERTON and CHESKA HULL.
Tab Director and past Editor TABATHA LEGGETT strikes back: ‘Best In Cambridge’ could be the best thing to happen in ages.
The results are in for part two of our Freshers’ Survey. Find out how many freshers are virgins, which subjects contain the most serial shaggers, and how many have had a one night stand.
Trinity top the Tompkins table, as Tit Hall achieve their highest position in the last 24 years and Peterhouse drop 11 places.
‘I want to be able to work with themes that could otherwise be seen as pretentious to comment on.’ TABATHA LEGGETT talks to artist ANDY HOLDEN about his exhibition Chewy Cosmos Thingly Time, currently on display at Kettle’s Yard.
TABATHA LEGGETT talks to maverick philosopher A.C. GRAYLING.
A selection of the best dressed from Around the World in 80 Days at Hughes Hall.
TABATHA LEGGETT enjoys Hughes Hall May Ball, but is disappointed by the lack of a big ent.
The Tab gives you a sneak preview of some of the matchboxes that will be on display at The Cambridge Matchbox Project at The Shop this week.
TABATHA LEGGETT squirms and laughs her way through a play which could be justifiably (for once) described as a ‘romp’. But isn’t.
TABATHA LEGGETT wants you to treat this shocker like royalty.
TABATHA LEGGETT enjoys and recommends LEE MADGWICK’s new exhibition at Byard Art.
Wills and Kate have become the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, following their wedding today.
So, Wills has been snapped up. But, fear not. TABATHA LEGGETT has found plenty of young, hot royals who are still up for grabs. You’re welcome.
Delivered with charming enthusiasm, alas, the Medics’ Revue is neither confidently nerdy nor cool enough for TABATHA LEGGETT.
Long-suffering critic TABATHA LEGGETT is unimpressed with the term’s 142nd take on metatheatre. There are some laughs, but for rather the wrong reasons.
As Gardies turns 50, TABATHA LEGGETT talks to manager VAS ANNAASTASIOU about drunk students, art exhibition plans and aphrodisiacs.
What do you love more: The Tab, or porn? Funny you should ask…
Your results have been counted. Find out what Cambridge students really think about sex, love, and marriage.
A play that can’t make up its mind receives a definitive decision from TABATHA LEGGETT
TABATHA LEGGETT talks about the shocking truth behind pornography with ex-porn star SHELLEY LUBBEN. “Porn destroys people: both viewers and makers.”
Smugglers have been sentenced to six years in prison after they hid 132kgs of speed in shelves destined for the UL.
TABATHA LEGGETT investigates all-female monologues which show promise but hit a glass ceiling.
Cambridge’s Feminist Society were outraged by Varsity’s ‘How to … Bed a Bedder’ article, and plan on writing to the Press Complaints Commission.
Rachel Weisz and Bill Nighy were filming a spy thriller in Cambridge yesterday.
The man behind Corpus’ grasshopper clock has been awarded an OBE in the Queen’s New Years Honours List.
TABATHA LEGGETT: “The ball committee really had their work cut out for them when they decided to transform the ugly, red-brick mess that is Fitzwilliam College into Charlie’s Chocolate Factory. But, they succeeded. Kind of.”
TABATHA LEGGETT and THOMAS WILLS talk to two musicians raring to go for 2011, ALICE GOLD and LIAM BAILEY. You heard of them here first…
TABATHA LEGGETT gets spiritual with musician DARWIN DEEZ.
Jesus’ JCR Committee have been forced to reopen nominations for President and other positions twice following an embarrassingly low number of applications.
Emma’s chefs have triumphed in Cambridge’s annual culinary competition, ahead of Sidney, Girton, John’s, Christ’s and Murray Edwards.
TABATHA LEGGETT talks to JOE THOMAS from The Inbetweeners about the film in the pipeline, shit clubbing in Cambridge and his ‘illustrious’ days at Varsity…
71% of Corpus undergrads and 86% of postgrads have voted in favour of disaffiliation from the student union.
Days after leading a student march against fee rises, CUSU could face cuts of their own as colleges renew the debate over disaffiliation.
TABATHA LEGGETT talks to the queen of social media IMOGEN HEAP about, amongst other things, wireless routers in knickers.
TABATHA LEGGETT: “We found ourselves in an unfilled venue alongside two drag queens who were dancing as though they were working in Abercrombie and Fitch.”
‘Other people let common sense get the better of them, but I try to ensure it doesn’t get the better of me.’ Comedy hero MARK WATSON talks to HOLLY STEVENSON and TABATHA LEGGETT.
Philosopher TABATHA LEGGETT quizzes TV medium COLIN FRY. It doesn’t end well…
Can theatre break middle and working class boundaries? TABATHA LEGGETT gets the low-down from PAUL ROSEBY, artistic director of the National Youth Theatre.
THE HEARTBREAKS: one of them is officially the fastest Under-21 Whippy pourer in the West. The North West, that is.
JODIE HARSH is coming to Cambridge, but can you handle her? TABATHA LEGGETT talks drag, hair and celebs with the DJ and party girl.
Have you got half an hour to kill on King’s Parade? TABATHA LEGGETT drinks 10 cups of coffee and checks out the 10×10 show in Byard Art.
TABATHA LEGGETT spoke to Lizzie Fisher, a curator at Kettle’s Yard about the John Cage exhibition.
£4,000 worth of rowing gear has been swiped from CUWBC.
TABATHA LEGGETT talks to guitar legend turned photography pioneer Brian May about why philosophy and physics are the same.
TABATHA LEGGETT speaks to Matt and Max from The Unexpected Items about the success of Gap Yah, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and videos of cats in bins.
TABATHA LEGGETT speaks to Bombay Bicycle Club’s Suren De Saram about the band’s achievements so far and their plans for the future.
TABATHA LEGGETT talks to Frank Warren, the man behind PostSecret, about his inspiration behind the project and the lessons he’s learned along the way.
Love Amongst Ruin’s front man, and former drummer of Placebo Steve Hewitt talks to TABATHA LEGGETT.
After competing in the London Triathlon, Jenson Button caught up with The Tab.
Freshers heading to Cambridge this October have received another reassurance that they were right to snub the Other Place.
Following a summer of festival performances, Eliza Doolittle spoke to TABATHA LEGGETT about X Factor and her own music career.
Apprentice winner and Cambridge graduate Simon Ambrose talks to TABATHA LEGGETT about the show, his future and Cindies.
Before his show at the Edinburgh Fringe, comedian Tom Allen talks to TABATHA LEGGETT about theatre, Big Brother and opening a cake shop.
Read the Tab’s verdicts on Monday’s May Balls at Trinity, Jesus and Clare.
Following the introduction of 27- inch waisted male mannequins, TABATHA LEGGETT looks at manorexia.
TABATHA LEGGETT offers her thoughts on ‘Time’ magazine’s ‘100 Most Influential People’ list.
TABATHA LEGGETT speculates over Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens’ attempt to arrest the Pope.
TABATHA LEGGETT investigates the decline in common manners, and questions whether Sarah Ferguson has finally found the answer.
TABATHA LEGGETT charts the meteoric rise of the Metrosexual man.
Could you handle 10 plastic surgery procedures in one day? TABATHA LEGGETT investigates the pressures of looking perfect.
With ‘Toys R Us’ releasing a ouija board aimed at 8 to 14 year-olds this month, TABATHA LEGGETT says it’s time to reclaim the right to a childhood.
Another year, another ‘Size Issue’ in the world of the fashion magazine. But in a brave new decade, TABATHA LEGGETT asks, can curvy girls really make their mark?
Rum cocktails are still the order of the day on the cruise liners stopping off in Haiti. TABATHA LEGGETT asks whether we should restrict tourism at a time when Haiti needs it most?
As the final series of Celebrity Big Brother draws to a close, TABATHA LEGGETT confronts her guilty pleasure and explains why 5% of the British population are still watching.