Becca Meier

Oxford Editor of The Tab

Becca Meier
Oxford University


The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.


16 Guild members stage mass resignation against ‘certain individuals’

They said the ‘current framework and culture’ made their position untenable

Oxford’s edgiest undergrad: Heat five

Edgier than the horizon

Oxford’s edgiest undergrad: Heat four

So we beat on, boats against the current

Oxford’s edgiest undergrad: Heat three

Aren’t we all just a speck of dust travelling through space?

Oxford’s edgiest undergrad: Heat two

Edgier than a dodecahedron

Oxford’s edgiest undergrad: Heat one

Do you consider yourself a flaneur?

Jailbreakers reach Johannesburg, 60 miles shy of Oxford record

They have until 8pm today to beat the current record of Tokyo

How did Keble Ball sell 1,600 tickets in nine minutes?

Is it cos it’s edgy

Oxford Medics protest outside the RadCam

They joined thousands of other junior doctors protesting across the country

Benedict Cumberbatch is filming at Exeter College tomorrow

The JCR has been turned into a makeup studio

If you haven’t skated together at Somerset House are you even a couple?

The Natural History Museum doesn’t even have half as much game

Oxford is the third most sexually active university town in the UK

We’re hornier than you think

Alan Rickman is starring in a video of a tortoise to raise money for charity

It’s all for a shellfless cause

Peepholes found in the girls’ toilets at Dean Street Townhouse

It’s part of the Soho House group

Why you should join The Tab Oxford next term

Work experience, socials, t-shirts – we’ve got it all

Meet the dark blues who will line up against Cambridge tomorrow

You can normally find George Messum in the Half Moon

The women’s rugby team have stripped to raise awareness of eating disorders

Last year they raised money for Mind Your Head

A brief history of how Oxford became cooler than Cambridge

Have you ever seen a bucket hat on the River Cam? Didn’t think so

Exeter, LMH, Trinity and Keble are the worst colleges for food hygiene

The only four to score a four

The Tab presents: Come Hall With Me

The Channel 4 legacy lives on, in your college bar

How we got Berlin’s biggest DJ to play at Oxford for the second time

Levon is no stranger

There are over 150 Etonians at Oxford

They are the most represented school

Following Tatler’s guide to Oxford is a sure-fire way to ruin your Michaelmas

If you wanna succeed in the city of dreaming spires, ignore their advice

Atik: The new Park End is underwhelming

Yes, Oxford has another Tiki bar

Can you guess which clubbers got into Berghain?

It’s the most exclusive club in the world

The Year Abroad Commandments: How not to rue the day you left the UK

Your guide to surviving life abroad