Oxford’s edgiest undergrad: Heat four

So we beat on, boats against the current

Hamish Forbes, History & Politics, Merton

Hamish spends his time working for Ox-Coop, forwarding ethical causes in the JCR and sharing Vice articles, but there’s nothing he likes more than kicking back with some root vegetables and listening to some Ethiopian jazz classics. Rumour has it his thesis is a bag of organic, fairtrade bulgar wheat. And when the sun goes down he will only go to Cellar or elsewhere in aid of an obscure charitable cause. 

Sam “Pash” Gibb, Classics, Balliol

With the red strip in his hair which he changes to reflect his mood, you never know where you stand with this cool kid. His sarcasm baffles everyone, so you are never sure whether he hates your face or would give up his DS for you. Watch out for this up-and-comer, he’s already a big left wing campaigner and will be sure to revive Oxford with a new coat of rainbow paint and political correctness. 

Tom Gibbs, Engineering, Teddy Hall

A man who has an allergy to VKs and has heart palpitations without a steady Bullingdon beat pumping through his ears.