We asked people at Moondance Festival how far they would go to save Fabric
They wouldn’t kill a man
Fabric is dead, and people aren’t happy. There’s already a #savefabric movement, but I wanted to find out just what London’s ravers would be willing to do to save it if they could. What better place, then, than Moondance Festival, an event “celebrating rave culture from its roots to the innovators of today”, and held at the weekend at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park?
Fi(ona), civilian
Has the UK club scene got better or shitter in the past ten years?
Shitter. There’s more security now.
Would you pay one million pounds to save Fabric?
Yeah, if someone gave me it.
Would you upset an already sad man further to save Fabric?
Would you kill a man to save Fabric?
Lauren, bartender
Would you pay one million pounds to save Fabric?
Yeah, if I had it spare.
Would you ruin someone’s day for no reason to save Fabric?
Would you kill a man to save Fabric?
Nah, I don’t think so.
Robbo, press
Would you pay one million pounds to save Fabric?
No, I’d give it to the homeless. They should be allowed in clubs.
Would you disappoint a homeless man to save Fabric?
Would you kill a man to save Fabric?
If it was my manager.
Jabed, press
Has the UK club scene got better or shitter in the past ten years?
Shitter. People come here from all over the world but there’s increasingly no reason to.
Would you like to save Fabric?
Of course. I have a kid because of Fabric.
Would you pay one million pounds to save Fabric?
No, I’d give it to the homeless.
Would you disappoint a homeless man to save Fabric?
No, see above.
Would you kill a man to save Fabric?
No. Maybe five years ago, but not now.
Lily-Hughs & Lori, punters
Has the UK club scene got better or shitter in the past ten years?
Lily-Hughes: We weren’t there ten years ago, but it sounds like it’s gotten worse.
Would you pay one million pounds to save Fabric?
Both: Nah.
Would you disappoint a homeless man to save Fabric?
Lily-Hughes: No, I’d rate him ’cause he’s homeless.
Would you kill a man to save Fabric?
Lily-Hughes: No.
Lori: Yeah.
So what have we learnt? That Londoners are willing to put their money where their mouth is, as long as someone else gives them that money. That there is a admirable streak of altruism running through the rave community. And that somewhere out there is a five year old who can grow up and say that he owes his existence to Fabric.