If you haven’t heard of Cool Dog Group, you haven’t experienced happiness
Such happy much heckin love
The world, and the internet can be a horrible place. Trolls, aggressiveness and postal packaging fees – there’s so much to bring us down. But that’s where Cool Dog Group, the Facebook group where people post dog content, comes in to save the day. It’s a safe space to enlighten us when things get too much – there’s no aggression, no sadness, no judgement, just pure unadulterated appreciation and support. Filling our news feed with dog pictures, videos stories and memes, it’s impossible not to smile when scrolling through it. You wouldn’t be judged for shedding a happy tear either.
And it’s not just me that spends all my time on it. It’s got 328,279 members and over 1,000 people request to join every day. And it’s not just the dog pictures that make it great, it’s the people too. Unlike most groups on the internet where you’ll get rinsed for whatever you post, everyones there to encourage and support each other, bonding over their mutual love of floofs.”The majority of our members are loving, caring dog people”, said the group’s admin Bridgette Reese, “and all the admins love the original content because we get to see all our members beautiful doggos.
“I know a lot of people who use Cool Dog Group as a way to distract themselves from whatever personal problems they have and i love how our community can help them be happy, regardless how small a contribution. Dogs bring us all together, and it’s amazing how many of us have bonded over their existence.”
It’s been said that Dogspotting has gone to the dogs, but Cool Dog Group, however, just keeps getting better. In a world full of depressing news and harsh reality, Cool Dog Group provides a haven for people to sit back, relax and look at lovely little dogs that are too pure for this world.
Here’s some of the best posts: