Here they are! The tragic Love Island clubbers of the week
This will be your type on paper
We’ve been waiting weeks for our Love Island favourites to get out of the villa and grace our dance floors. And here they are.
The cast of Love Island have been frequenting clubs up and down the country for a few weeks now. From Leicester to Scunthorpe, they’ve been letting their hair down on the blue carpets and light-up dance floors, stopping along the way to take pictures with us common folk.
We can now reveal to you the best of the week: these are the Love Island clubbers. It’s better than you could have ever imagined.
If I catch some of Chris’ saliva I can sell it on Ebay

Never washing this hand again
VERY serious selfie of the week

This is not a fucking game, Dom
Fucking hell Mike, calm that banter down

He just wanted a nice picture
Oversized Jewellery of the week

This is just ridiculous
When you’ve got the beach at noon and Marcel meet and greet at 10pm

Building a sandcastle with the squad
$KWAD goals of the week

Look away, Chris
When you start to question your life choices

Those eyes reveal an empty soul
What Sam thought Love Island would be like

Loose as fuck women and lightsaber fights
Oh look it’s that really fucking annoying thing Dom always does with his hands

Too fucking cool for the promo

Hats of the week

Doing a pose doesn’t make it any cooler, Theo hun
Downing an energy drink with the lads

What do they speak in Finland?
Massive ginger beard of the week

Someone get this sexy bouncer on Love Island 2018
When you try to do a fun pic but have to keep the exact same perfect smile in every photo so you just grab Ed Sheeran’s leg

He looks uncomfortable
Lie of the week


Never felt abs before
Seriously Mike does not give a flying fuck

He looks quite pissed tbh
Um, where is Kem’s hand?

Just let me know
Classic mum of the week

This woman hasn’t missed a single episode of this year’s Love Island
When you haven’t heard of Blazin’ Squad and, quite frankly, couldn’t give a toss

Even a black and white filter can’t fix the disdain on this man’s face
The most tragic sunglass wearing clubbers of the week

Sam actually looks like the cool one in this photo
Optical illusion of the week

Why does Kem have such fucking massive fingers??
When you don’t need a selfie stick because your arm is 10 feet long

Weird hair guy scared of weird arm