If you’ve got a story about racism at uni, we want to hear it and expose it
Send us a message here
Yesterday, The Tab revealed Exeter law students' horrifying racism in a group chat. So far they've been suspended from uni, and some have lost their prestigious training contracts at law firms.
Since September we've called out students at Nottingham Trent chanting "we hate the blacks" outside a black student's door.
We've exposed the racism of a Sheffield student comparing Black Lives Matter to Planet of the Apes, and Bournemouth students calling a black woman a "big black ape".
That's without mentioning the countless incidences of people blacking up, but insisting it's not racist.
We're committed to listening to, investigating, and exposing experiences of racial discrimination suffered by students at university.
If you've got a story about racism at uni, whether it's face-to-face, students being racist in group chats, or anything else, please tell us in the form below and we'll get in touch with you to help call it out.
We’ll keep what you tell us confidential and chat through everything before we publish anything. Alternatively, if you'd like to send a tip directly, please email gregory@thetab.com.