Introducing the ‘Florida man’ birthday meme, and the wildest examples yet
My Florida man was decapitated at an airport, wbu?
Here we go again! Twitter is full of weird memes that make no sense! Step aside the Rihanna birthday meme, that is so last month – because this month is time for the Florida man birthday meme. Just another fun game for Twitter users to get involved with and share their own for absolutely no reason in the world other than because you can.
You've probably seen people on your Twitter timeline sharing what their Florida man birthday meme result is, so here's why, and how to find your own. And also some of the wildest examples, of course.
What is the Florida man birthday meme and how do you find yours?
So basically, the Florida man birthday meme just proves that there's some pretty wild news stories coming out of Florida. All you do is Google search "Florida man" followed by your birthday e.g. "Florida Man January 10" and then you find a news story correlating to your birthday. That is your Florida man birthday meme.
My Florida man is wild af!!!
According to Know Your Meme: "Florida Man is a Twitter feed that curates news headline descriptions of bizarre domestic incidents involving a male subject residing in the state of Florida. The tweets are meant to be humorously read as if they were perpetrated by a single individual dubbed “the world’s worst superhero.” In March 2019, a "Florida Man Challenge" game began trending across various social media platforms, in which participants shared news headlines taken from search queries for "Florida Man" followed by their birthday."
Other than being a few minutes of fun, and realising that Florida might just be the weirdest place in the world – that's all this meme really is. Whether your birthday is January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November or December – A Florida man will have done something on your birthday!!! You can't deny it, you've probably done it yourself or are going to now.
Where did the Florida man birthday meme come from?
The Florida man birthday meme has been around on Reddit for a while, but then again Reddit users do live in 3019 when it comes to memes.
It came to the mainstream on Twitter after one user tweeted: "EVERYBODY google “Florida man” followed by your birthday (Florida man august 22) and tell me what you get. Mine is Florida Man tries to attack neighbour with tractor".
They say they saw the challenge on Tumblr where a user described it as a "new fun personality game". The Tweet has now had over 30,000 retweets, 130,000 likes and thousands of responses of people sharing their Florida man birthday meme results.
The wildest examples of the Florida man birthday meme
Some of the news stories really are something else, there's a whole section of Reddit dedicated to the best examples, here's some of them.
Some personal favs are:
September 7: "Florida man, drunk and naked, allegedly set house on fire in failed cookie baking attempt"
July 11: "Florida man escapes alligator by punching it in the face while searching for golf balls"
Honestly, what the fuck is happening in Florida?!
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