Vote for the fittest uni girl in the country
They are all stunners
You've seen what the fittest boys British universities have to offer, and there's still time to vote if you're in the mood for a tasty snack, but it's the girls' turn now.
They hail from all over the country, from Durham to York, but mostly from Royal Holloway. Now it is time to decide who will wear the crown of fittest uni girl in the UK.
Marvel at how much better than boys they pose for photos:
Phoebe Leake, Royal Holloway, first year

The fairy lights over the bed say it all really
This "small but feisty" Biomedical Sciences student told The Royal Holloway Tab she "loves to gym as well as riding," grammar less so.
Kiera Lockhard, York, first year

*insert Legally Blonde reference
Kiera is currently starring in Legally Blonde and told The York Tab her ideal date is "go karting followed by a Wagas".
Emily S, Birmingham, third year

What a nice dress
French and German student, Emily, told The Birmingham Tab she's been single her whole life and that she gets through a whole bottle of Mayo in two days. She did not see any correlation in these two facts.
JJ Oakley, Newcastle, first year

Her Insta handle has 10 underscores in it so you know she's earned that nose piercing
Asked for a weird fact about herself, JJ told The Newcastle Tab: "Once I put antibacterial gel on my VJJ cos I was at a festival and obvs hadn't showered in days hence thought it was a good idea – one of the most painful experiences of me life." Yup.
Joy Thewliss, Manchester Met

'Un guyave' is a fruit, I think
The Manchester Tab lets MMU students in on their Fallowfield's fittest competition because they're nice like that. Anyway, this Law student is described as a "sexy, caramel, melanin queen."
Georgia Graham, Exeter, second year

Here she is dressed as the game 'Bejwelled'
This International Relations student wasn't surprised when she was nominated for The Exeter Tab's most eligible bachelorette competition, telling them: "As Elle Woods would say: 'What, like it's hard?'"
Annie Bullows, Oxford Brookes, first year

Those nails look like a hazard imo
Annie from Brookes said her best chat up line was: "Roses are red, I have lots of class, later tonight you’ll be eating my arse." Moving on.
Sian Milligan, Durham, second year

Find me an image with a better colour palette, I'll wait
Sian was nominated for Durham's most eligible bachelorette despite not actually being single. She told The Durham Tab her best chat up line was "Are you made of carbon? Because I would like to date you," so obviously you can see why she's taken. Obviously.
Ceire Quinn, Southampton

I hope some of these girls manage to find whatever is itching their scalp
Asked why she should be Southampton's most eligible bachelorette, Ciere told The Soton Tab: "I have great tits and love to get drunk." Southampton is a weird place.
Amrita Badesha, Lancaster

Can someone tell her that's not how chairs work?
Just look at Amrita's nomination for Lancaster's hottest single, honestly. There are nine exclamation marks. NINE!!!!!!!!! She also makes reference to her star sign. Vote at your own risk.
Maana Lindqvist, Aberdeen, fourth year

Double points for repping glasses
Maana told The Aberdeen Tab what she looks for in a man is "two strong arms" and once slept with her flatmate's best mate. Maana does not give a FUCK, ladies and gents.
Ellie Danemann, Nottingham

The lighting in this is top notch, isn't it?
Ellie told The Nottingham Tab: "My personality is as good as my arse." Her friends can't believe she's not "wifed up". Truly, Ellie is a conundrum of our times.
Issy, Royal Holloway, second year

Do you reckon it's real Gucci?
"Guess which colour my Fiat 500 is."
Ophelia Westaway-Christopher, York, first year

Yes, she has a signet ring
If you thought this Social Policy & Crime student's multiple names were a mouthful, don't worry: She apparently goes by "Phi-Phi" for short. I wish I was joking.
Isabel, Birmingham, fourth year

That background decoration is a bit lacklustre, isn't it?
According to The Birmingham Tab, this Law student would like to move to Manchester after she graduates. Corr, these Law students – wild, eh?
Theresa Merkel, Newcastle, first year

Between the phone case and the nails there is a lot to take in here
Despite a rather unfortunate combination of names, you'd be a fool to count Theresa out – she knows all the words to every ABBA song.
Miranda Robertson, Exeter, second year

Pls don't hurt me
You might not think that this Law and Spanish student would hurt a fly, but you'd be wrong. According to The Exeter Tab: "You won't catch her on a night out as she's always carried home before 12, but you'll be able to find her in the ring at fight night instead."
Ella McGhee, Oxford Brookes, first year

What is going on here?
Ella doesn't play by the rules. She's a fresher but doesn't live in halls. Instead she lives in Cowley where literally every other Brookes student. Fucking hell, Ella – calm down.
Holly Gadsby, Durham, third year
Asked about being nominated for Durham's most eligible bachelorette, this Classics student said: "I have no discernible standards and to be honest I just really like attention." If you're voting based on honesty alone, vote for Holly.
Annabel Sanders, Southampton

Wait is Southampton… fit?
Annabel studies Marine Biology AND loves dinosaurs. Scroll to the bottom of this article and vote for her right now.
Heather Church, Lancaster, third year

Take ME to church… oh wait she actually will
An English language student whose hobbies include "napping, drinking beer, and procrastinating." How original. She'll take you to church if you vote for her (no, really).
Eilidh Taggart, Aberdeen, third year

If you can pronounce her name on the first try you win a prize
This Primary Teaching student told The Aberdeen Tab she's "been rocking the single market for too long now." If your idea of a perfect date is a cheeky Nando's followed by some VKs then you're in luck.
Nadja Bessa, Royal Holloway, second year

Very festive, but CHRISTMAS IS OVER
Nadja studies Spanish and Management and told The Royal Holloway Tab: "Some say Immigrants come to take your jobs, so I decided to take your man instead." Yikes.
Danika, Birmingham, Biomedical Sciences

Lots of hoop-y accessories going on here
Despite being single for "20 years", Danika is a hopeless romantic at heart, looking for love over staying on the pull. Good for you , Danika, honestly – The Tab is the best place for that.
Ellen Durney, Newcastle, first year

Is this a smoulder or just a very vacant expression?
Ellen once "got shouted out by Kendrick Lamar" at one of his shows.
Caitlin Free, Exeter, second year

So candid
One of Caitlin's mates told The Exeter Tab: “Even though her surname states otherwise, rugby boys at Wednesday TP can confirm Caitlin comes at a cost of two yellow VKs.” Christ alive.
Tianna Barefoot, Sothampton

Do you reckon she knows Georgia from Exeter?
Tianna described an ideal first date as "A classy dinner followed by a dutty rave" and if that's not the most Soton answer ever given to a question I don't know what is.
Alyx, Birmingham, second year

What shiny hair
Alyx just wants to "chillax, relax, and have a great time." She's from Wales and that's about it folks!
Maria Del Castillo, Newcastle, first year

Taken in Cornwall, obviously
Maria told The Newcastle Tab her ideal date would be "Any date that has had some thought and meaning put into it", which is a really lame answer.
Anna Barrett, Exeter, second year

Move over Quinn from Glee
To round us off we have History student Anna, whose mates said: "Anna Barrett is iconic." Quite.
Vote below!
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