Who the Love Island cast are most compatible with based on their horoscopes

If Amber knows anything about her star sign she will pick Greg


Is it just me or do some of the Love Island 2019 couples just not look right together? Joe and Lucie are a terrible match, Molly-Mae and Tommy hardly talk and don’t even get me started on Curtis and Amy. But have you ever wondered why they aren’t right for each other? It’s because of their horoscopes, obviously.

The Love Island 2019 contestants are their star signs all over. Amber is such a fiery Leo, Molly-Mae is your typical indecisive Gemini and of course Lucie is a Pisces – known for loving a good cry.

Here is who the Islanders are most compatible with and should therefore couple up with based on actual SCIENCE.

The cast of Love Island star signs are as follows:

Amber – Leo

Qualities: Charismatic and fiery. It says it all really.

Most compatible with: Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries.

Should couple up with: It’s a bit awkward for Amber because she’s going to have to accept she just isn’t compatible with Michael. However, Greg is Aries so she should couple up with him instead!! Perfect!! She also shouldn’t dismiss Chris like she has, he’s a Leo so they’d be compatible.

Amy – Cancer

Qualities: Dedicated, observant and loyal. Don’t handle heart break well.

Most compatible with: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Should couple up with: Jordan (Pisces). Curveball???

Anna – Cancer

Qualities: Dedicated, observant and loyal. Some Cancers (not Amy though) are known as being good friends.

Most compatible with: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Should couple up with: Jordan (Pisces)!! Anna and Jordan are a perfectly matched couple based on their star signs.

Anton – Virgo

Qualities: Strong (he does own a gym), cheerful and hardworking.

Most compatible with: Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.

Should couple up with: It’s no wonder Anton has been so unlucky in love so far, it’s because none of the girls are compatible with him. To make matters even worse, he’s coupled up with Belle who is a Pisces. Pisces and Virgos do not make for a good match, no wonder they’ve been having arguments.

Arabella – Pisces

Qualities: Kind, forgiving and caring.

Most compatible with: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus.

Should couple up with: Jordan (Pisces). She had it all wrong with Danny, no wonder she got voted out. It’s been rumoured she’s seeing Tom since they both got kicked out of the villa. Given he’s a Taurus they would make the perfect match.

Belle – Pisces

Qualities: Kind, forgiving and caring.

Most compatible with: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus.

Should couple up with: Jordan (Pisces). Belle is not at all compatible with Anton (Virgo), which is awkward.

Chris – Leo

Qualities: Fiery and charming.

Most compatible with: Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries.

Should couple up with: Amber (Leo), Maura (Sagittarius) or India (Sagittarius).

Curtis – Aquarius

Qualities: Creative (as every professional dancer should be), fair and a friend to everyone.

Most compatible with: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini and Libra.

Should couple up with: Molly-Mae (Gemini), Harley (Libra), Joanna (Libra). Lucky for him Curtis is also compatible with Maura (Sagittarius) so they could actually work out.

Danny – Leo

Qualities: Charismatic and charming.

Most compatible with: Sagittarius, Libra, Leo, and Aries.

Should couple up with: Maura (Sagittarius), India (Sagittarius), Harley (Libra), Joanna (Libra), Amber (Leo).

Elma – Cancer

Qualities: Won’t handle heart break well. Dedicated, observant and loyal.

Most compatible with: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Should couple up with: Jordan (Pisces).

Francesca – Scorpio

Qualities: Mysterious, enigmatic but sometimes fiery.

Most compatible with: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Should couple up with: I don’t even think they have spoken once, but Francesca is actually most compatible with Jordan (Pisces). Watch your back Anna!!!

Greg – Aries

Qualities: Passionate, confident, determined and enthusiastic.

Most compatible with: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Should couple up with: India (Sagittarius), Maura (Sagittarius) or Amber (Leo). If Amber sees sense that Michael is definitely NOT good for her and chooses Greg, she’s on to a good thing.

Harley – Libra

Qualities: Balanced and fair.

Most compatible with: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Should couple up with: Michael (Libra), Curtis (Aquarius) or Ovie (Aquarius). Their date might have been slightly awkward to watch, but according to their star signs Harley and Ovie are a match made in heaven.

India – Sagittarius

Qualities: Independent, strong willed and not afraid to speak their mind.

Most compatible with: Leo, Aries, Aquarius, and Libra.

Should couple up with: Greg (Aries), Curtis (Aquarius), Ovie (Aquarius) or Michael (Libra). Ovie and India have been drawn towards each other, and there is no doubt this is because they are so compatible. It’s written in the stars.

Joanna – Libra

Qualities: Balanced and fair.

Most compatible with: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Should couple up with: Michael (Libra) should have just left with her and saved Amber all of this agg. And taken him off our screens.

Joe – Virgo

Qualities: Strong, cheerful (questionable) and hardworking. Joe is also practical and organised as Virgos often are.

Most compatible with: Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.

Should couple up with: None of the girls in the villa are compatible with Joe, which probably explains why he was voted off the show early.

Lucie – Pisces

Qualities: This is the water sign, so obviously Lucie all over. They catch feelings A LOT and love a good cry. This explains it all.

Most compatible with: Scorpio, Taurus and Cancer.

Should couple up with: Tommy (Taurus). AWKWARD!!!!

Maura – Sagittarius

Qualities: Independent, strong willed and not afraid to speak their mind. Wow, this is Maura all over.

Most compatible with: Leo, Aries, Aquarius, and Libra.

Should couple up with: Danny or Chris (Leo), Curtis or Ovie (Aquarius), Michael (Libra). It’s no wonder Maura gets all the boys, she is literally compatible with half of them. She might be on to a good thing with Curtis though.

Michael – Libra

Qualities: Balanced and fair. Are we sure Michael is a Libra?????

Most compatible with: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Should couple up with: Joanna is a Libra, so maybe he should have left the villa with her after all?

Molly-Mae – Gemini

Qualities: Outgoing, curious and indecisive.

Most compatible with: Aquarius and Libra.

Should couple up with: Michael (Libra), Curtis (Aquarius). She did pick Curtis for her first date, maybe she should have trusted her gut. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Geminis don’t match well with Taurus – which is Tommy’s star sign. Yikes.

Ovie – Aquarius

Qualities: Creative, fair and a friend to everyone. Wow, this is spot on.

Most compatible with: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini and Libra.

Should couple up with: Maura (Sagittarius), India (Sagittarius), Molly-Mae (Gemini), Joanna (Libra) or Harley (Libra). He’s obviously not going anywhere near Maura or Molly-Mae, and Ovie has dated Harley and is getting on well with India. He can take his pick, because he’s compatible with both girls. Finally some justice for our King!!!!

Tom – Taurus

Qualities: Stubborn, ambitious and honest. He honestly wanted to see if Maura was all mouth or not, and it was ambitious of him to think she would still take him to the Hideaway.

Most compatible with: Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces.

Should couple up with: Lucie (Pisces), Belle (Pisces) or Arabella (Pisces).

Tommy – Taurus

Qualities: Stubborn, ambitious and honest. It was ambitious of him to try and make an omelette, and at least he was honest that he couldn’t make a cup of tea – so this is fair.

Most compatible with: Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces.

Should couple up with: Lucie (Pisces) – uh oh.

Yewande – Scorpio

Qualities: Mysterious, enigmatic but sometimes fiery.

Most compatible with: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Should couple up with: Yewande would have been most compatible with Jordan (Pisces). But she wouldn’t have done that to her girl Anna.

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