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What you should’ve studied to earn £30k straight out of uni

If you wanted big bucks, English wasn’t wise

Degree results are trickling out, and if you're lucky that "high 2:1" has bought the prospect of a meagre grad job and lots of "woo drinks" Instagram posts.

But that's in the months to come. Now's the time for regretting your humanities degree and wishing you'd studied something which would be getting you pure Benjamins.

Luckily, we've crunched the numbers to really speed those regrets along and tell you what you should've studied if you wanted to earn £30k straight out of uni.

Using government data on median earnings one year after graduating, it turns out the best course is Engineering at the decidedly niche "Havering College of Further and Higher Education", banking you over £50k a year after graduation

Meanwhile, Computing at Birkbeck and Imperial, as well as Engineering at Cumbria will all net you a peachy grad job paying more than £40k.

Lincoln and Wrexham Glyndwr make shock appearances on this list – proving you don't have to submit to the collegiate prison of Oxbridge to make big bucks.

It goes without saying that medicine literally anywhere will land you on £30k+. So we haven't included it.

Have a look through the table to see if your course is there, or what you should've studied.

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