This year’s Love Island has proved men really are trash
Every single boy has been toxic at least once
You would think being on a TV show that is aired nearly every night to an audience of millions would mean the men on Love Island know better than to lie. But despite this, we witnessed yet another case of blatant gaslighting last night, between Anna and Jordan.
Last night Jordan confessed to Curtis that his head had been turned by India, and he was going to pursue her – two days after asking Anna to be his girlfriend.
Anna then found out, courtesy of Maura (we love girls protecting girls), and went in on Jordan. His response was to lie, deny it and say "Am a not allowed to av a chat with er?" repeatedly.
But this is just the latest in a string of shitty male behaviour on the show. No man is exempt. Every single boy has behaved in a toxic way at least once – yes, even Ovie. Not to mention, they all allow and accommodate each others' awful behaviour, which is just as damaging.
Here's a rundown of every time the boys were badly behaved af:
Michael gaslighting Amber multiple times
Not only did he fully gaslight Amber immediately after publicly humiliating her by recoupling with Joanna, he lied multiple times afterwards too!
Remember when Joanna was forced to leave and Michael stayed but said "I've found everything I wanted" about Joanna and then said to Amber: "Did you hear me say anything about any specific person?", implying he meant Amber and not Joanna.
Anyone with any sense could see this was an obvious lie and he was just trying to slide back into Amber's good books. But it's proven – you can even rewatch the clip where he says "I've found what he wanted" and he actually follows it up with "and now she's leaving", so it's obviously not about Amber.
Ovie saying "go get your Mrs" about Anna to Jordan
He was angry after his fight with Anna, I get it. Anna is hard to deal with in an argument, but this is straight up disrespectful, from a man who seemingly cares a whole whole lot about respect.
He also said "you can have her" multiple times to Jordan. Anna's not an object and she's also not owned by Jordan, so stop talking about her like she is.
Curtis refused to take no for an answer from Jourdan when he said he'd recouple with her
Curtis told Jourdan he would pick her over Amy in the recoupling and she told him she'd rather be friends. Amy then came back and Curtis told her was going to "continue to pursue things" with Jourdan.
It's cruel enough to say that to your ex girlfriend who you literally just dumped, but when the other girl in question told you straight up she's not interested – why don't you believe her?
There's a bit of a culture in Love Island – and in life – that one no from a girl is common courtesy and more than one no is legit. Curtis should have listened to the first no and saved himself the embarrassment, tbh.
Chris pouring the water over himself then India because he thought they were "meant to be together"
In the headline challenge, Chris assumed a headline about two Islanders being "meant to be together" was about him and India. This was the muggiest moment of the series and it was also completely avoidable.
He was coupled up with Harley, Harley was sat right in front of him, he could have picked Harley. Not only was he big headed enough to assume the headline was about him but he didn't spare a second to think about how humiliating his actions might be for Harley. Would a female Islander do this? I think not.
Tommy and Danny said their heads could never be turned, and then they immediately were
Another trend this series has seen is boys massively committing to a girl in a big way and then doubling back on it without a moment's hesitation.
Think Michael promising Amber his head could never be turned in Casa Amor then recoupling with Joanna. Or Danny telling Yewande she ticked literally every single one of his boxes and no one else could do that for him, then recoupling with Arabella.
Tommy Fury isn't infallible, either. As much as we like to think so. Tommy promised Lucie the world at the start of the series, he even said "If two Rihanna's and a Beyonce walked in, my head still wouldn't be turned" and then promptly recoupled with Molly-Mae.
Curtis massively lead Amy on then left her as soon as he thought he had a chance with Jourdan
He convinced Amy, who had never had a boyfriend before, that she and him were completely stable, with a future ahead of them. She was talking about introducing him to her god children, she was going to tell him she loved him – then he pulled the carpet out from under her.
Did no one ever tell any of the men on this show that communication is key?! If you have doubts, share them. Stop only bringing them up when they're convenient for you (usually because another girl has come along).
Tom saying "it will be interesting to see if she's all mouth" about Maura
Before his night in the hideaway, Tom muttered these immortal words to the boys but was overheard by Maura.
Luckily she heard, but what if she hadn't? You just know the boys wouldn't have called him out. Which brings me to:
The boys let each other get away with anything
Curtis last night is a prime example. He listened to Jordan, told him it was a bad idea and yet still let him go behind Anna's back and talk to India. He could have stopped him or told him he needed to tell Anna before he spoke to India, but he didn't. Then he got angry at Maura for breaking "bro code."
Let's be honest – when the boys say things like "do what's best for you, mate", "follow your heart" and the quintessential "it is what it is" they actually mean "do what you want and don't bother about how it affects the girl you're with." Men truly are trash.
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