Only Scorpios will get these 24 hilariously accurate horoscope memes

You feisty thing you

Scorpio memes are in abundance because it's such a complex sign. Scorpios are passionate, yet intensely distrustful. If you're a Scorpio, you probably didn't even trust that last sentence as you read it.

They can come off a bit cold but it's all a way of protecting their mushy, sensitive inner self. Scorpios love facts and truth, but cannot stand passive people and dishonesty – they know what they do and don't like, and they stand by it. This makes the sign extremely memeable, because they're so assertive and stubborn in their nature.

So, if you're ready to feel seen in the most Gen Z way possible, here are all the best Scorpio memes:

1. Trust no bitch

2. You don't give a fuck

Via @sayitaintscorpio

3. Except you actually kinda do

4. And you can be kinda lazy every now and then

5. Maybe you're a bit of a bulldozer

6. And a little bit cold

7. Actually, very cold

Via @astrhology

8. But underneath it all, you're just a big baby

9. At least you're reliable

10. But quite sneaky

Via @scorpiology101

11. But if you're born with your moon in Scorpio, you're a big cuddly love machine

Via @sayitaintscorpio

12. Born with Venus in Scorpio though? Not so much

Via @sayitaintscorpio

13. Indiana Jones and the temple of Scorpio's deep emotional issues

Via @sayitaintscorpio

14. You're way more sappy than you'd care to admit

Via @sayitaintscorpio

15. You always have a bit of a bee in your bonnet

Via @sayitaintscorpio

16. Oh, did I forget to mention that you're a sexy sign?

Via @sayitaintscorpio

17. With a loooot of crushes

Via @scorpiowrld

18. You a musical bitch too

Via @scorpiomemood

19. You're not huuugely tolerant of others

Via @scorpiogasms

20. You can be a teeny bit harsh

Via @scorpiomemood

21. But when you love, you love hard

Via @scorpiomemood

22. Oh yeah, you've got trust issues

Via @scorpiomemood

23. Plus you're a massive drama queen


24. But you can let people in, if they treat you right

Via @scorpiomemood

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