These 27 VSCO girl memes will make you sksksksksks

And I oop-


Realising you're out of touch is a moment everyone has to face at some point. For some it's your mate who at the ripe old age of 19 decides he "just doesn't like clubs, you know?" For others it was that day you found out people don't use Facebook anymore.

For the hundreds of people searching on Google every day, that moment came when they heard the words "VSCO girl" and thought: "What the fuck is that?" The FOMO they must have felt would have been excruciating.

You've read an explainer, you've taken the quiz, and now you want what all the kids have been enjoying: The memes. Here are 27 of the best ones:

1. Give this man a record deal

2. I can taste the limescale sksksks

3. You love to see it

4. They did it to the clown from IT smh

5. This audio is cursed

6. And quite right too

7. What does sksksksksks mean?????

8. This is the most accurate VSCO girl starter pack I've seen

The Hydro Flask is the most important thing here


10. He's so cuuuuuute

11. This girl's savagery is sending me

12. RIP in peace to the departed VSCO girls

13. Maybe not technically eligible for VSCO girl memes but also dogs

14. POV VSCO girl memes are honestly sinful

15. What does and I oopp mean for fuck's sake

16. They did it to Summer from Rick & Morty noooooo

17. VSCO girl memes, but make it food

18. You hate to see it

19. This man is also adorable

20.*changes Insta name*

21. Say what you will about VSCO girls, but they're generous

22. I needed this contrast

23. We stan a VSCO legend

24. This meme wins

25. No but seriously who uses metal straws?

26. It would have been god tier if he'd actually fried the scrunchies

27. Again, should've eaten them

Featured image via Instagram (@summermckeen)

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