If you love Big Mouth, here are seven series you need to watch right now
Time to waste many more hours of your life
Big Mouth. You’ve either watched it because your mate wouldn’t stop saying “bubble bath” in Connie’s voice and you needed to know where this wonderful phrase came from OR you were scrolling through Netflix at 2am and the colourful cartoon lured you in. Whatever the reason – you watched it, you got hooked, you binged and now you’re left with nothing but a Maurice-shaped hole in your heart. Well stop your crying my friend, we’ve got seven series to watch if you love Big Mouth.
Bojack Horseman
Bojack Horseman is the show Netflix recommends as a 93 per cent match to Big Mouth. The description of the series says ‘He’s a half-horse, half-man, has-been TV star who drinks a bit too much. He’s really got a lot going on right now’. If that doesn’t pique your interest, I don’t know what can. Aesthetically, it looks similar to Big Mouth and is a favourite among uni students who smoke lots and lots of weed.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Like Big Mouth, Brooklyn 99’s humour is mainly fast-paced, funny one-liners that always take you by surprise. If you haven’t heard of B99 then you’re a bit weird but let me explain – it revolves around Jake, a new but talented detective that gets into trouble because of his immature and reckless attitude in the job. It’s a lighthearted, easy watch. It’s the sort of series you watch and constantly ask yourself “wtf am I doing” and yet you can’t stop.
Sex Education
If you connected to Big Mouth on a more personal level because of its accurate and stripped-back depiction of puberty, school and sexuality then Sex Education is for you. Like Big Mouth, Sex Education centres around a main character but also dips into various different stories, each dealing with different experiences and issues. It’s really powerful and very funny. It also has a crazy fit cast which you don’t get as much in Big Mouth.
Rick and Morty
Rick and Morty is a constant trippy journey of confusion. If you look away for a second, the scene has changed to a whole new time and space, and Rick now has dribble on his chin. Netflix describes it as “absurd” and “quirky” which is about right.
If your favourite part of Big Mouth is the adult humour that just toes the line of completely inappropriate then you’ll love Rick and Morty which is 100 per cent inappropriate all the time.
End of the F****ing World
Another series that follows teenagers. End of the F****ing World is darker than Big Mouth and Sex Education, using adult-humour to explore severe mental health, trauma and family tragedies. The series centres around two main characters – a psychopath, James, and Alyssa, who’s desperate to get away from her family and find adventure. They both meet because James decides he’s going to kill Alyssa and then they go on a road trip. It’s a bit like a modern-day, messed up Thelma and Louise.
Super Drags
A cartoon about three drag queens who are also superheroes – otherwise known as the super drags. This show takes the sex references and inuendos up ten levels – there are boob, bum, penis and vagina-shaped objects everywhere. Also, one of the super drags’ power is a giant condom that she uses as a protective force field which, if you’re into that sort of thing, is actually really fucking funny.
The premise of the show is that the drag queen superheroes fight against a dominant, homophobic, religious cult. Beneath the explicit jokes, it explores powerful messages of homophobia and transphobia.
Paradise PD
Paradise PD is a cartoon series about a boy who’s dad is part of the police, inspiring him to join. Leading the team is Chief Randall Crawford, who is voiced by “SpongeBob SquarePants” actor Tom Kenny. The story follows the departments struggle through various cases showing their not very good at their jobs – it’s almost like a cartoon version of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. There’s only one season so it’s not a huge commitment – a nice, Saturday morning background-watch.
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