Which Love Island boy would you couple up with? Take this quiz to find out
If it’s not Luke T or Nas I’m outta here
Everyone’s got their Love Island favourite – someone they would pull over for a chat and get off with by the fire pit. Universally the world wants to be with Luke T, Callum or Nas, but this Love Island quiz will determine which Love Island boy you’d actually couple up with.
Do you see yourself being with someone like Connor? A bit laddy, careful with his appearance and extra pearly whites? Do you like someone a little more chilled out and in the background, a possible dark horse like Wallace or Connagh-with-a-G?
And what about the Lukes? Who could confidently decide between one of the sweetest and best looking contestants in Love Island history (Luke T), and a Justin Bieber look-a-like (Luke M, obviously).
They’re all pretty great, but you can only be coupled up with one person with the hope of winning the £50k prize.
You can already find out which Love Island boy you are and which Love Island girl you are, but take this Love Island quiz to finally find out which Love Island boy you’d couple up with:
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