Some genius has made a Spotify playlist of all the best TikTok mashups
Can’t wait to play this at pres in 2022
Life as we know it might be completely fucked right now but TikTok remains the gift that keeps on giving. It brought Megan Thee Stallion and Beyoncé together, gave us endless dances to rope our families into, and is easily the best thing to look at while you are having a deeply meditative poo.
But TikTok’s contributions to the world don’t end there. Recently, creators have been using amazing mashups to soundtrack less-than-amazing dances, we’re talking Ariana x Britney Dua x Taylor, and, well, let’s just say Ariana features heavily.
But where can I find all of these excellent pop creations on a streaming platform I use? Fear not because the answer is literally right below you:
Yup. That’s an embed which’ll take you to 16 amazing TikTok mashups you can listen to on your daily allotted jog, or while you revise, or while you contemplate the loneliness of another three months of lockdown. Go nuts, I’m not your dad. The playlist was created by Megan Chow, and she’s whacked them all in a Spotify playlist called megabytes 2 and it’s lit as fuck.
And that, my friends, is that.
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