This degree calculator will tell you how well you need to do to get a first
Okay and here’s me graduating with 70.1, it’s still a first baby
A Sheffield grad has made an online degree calculator for you to find out how well you need to do to get a first.
Matt Kinton came up with the genius tool while he was in the squeaky-bum phase of his computer science degree.
Just put all your grades from different years and modules into the GradeGuide calculator and it’ll tell you the average you need to get for the rest of your course.
“I actually had a private version running for my friends and I while I was still at uni and it was immensely helpful,” he says. “My friends who have gone on to do Masters are still using it!”
GradeGuide will tell you how much you need to achieve to scrape a 2.1, or to hit a first. With unis calculating degrees differently, the tool uses four key stats to give you a good idea of where you’ll need to be.
Of course, with unis rolling out plenty of no-detriment policies, you might already be sitting there with a first in the bank. In that case, simply rule out the possibility of getting a grade lower than you’ve already got. Although I’d maybe triple check this before you decide to sack it all off.
Matt built it using Javascript and Python and says: “It was actually fairly simple to build, but I kept it private while I finished all the details and made it as easy to use as possible.”
He says it takes about 15 minutes to put all your information in but you’ve got time, haven’t you.
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