We tested Gen Z on classic 00s bangers to see if they recognised them
Busted did noooooot go down well
You might have seen the now-infamous TikTok of two Gen Z girls claiming not to recognise undeniable classics like Just a Dream by Nelly or Say My Name by Destiny’s Child. Truth be told it’s difficult to tell whether they’re faking it for the nibbles or whether swapping radio stations and music channels for curated Spotify playlists and YouTube algorithms really has blinded them to the kind of music that defined our childhoods. Confusion continued when, days later, a young family took the same test and knew most of the songs, much to Twitter’s approval.
But who gives a single shit about these videos anyway? And what about vintage British treasures like Craig David and Roll Deep? To answer those questions we dropped six 16-18 year olds – Felix, Georgia, Henry, Katherine, Max and Lola – into a group chat then threw them 10 iconic 00s bangers to see whether they’d recognise them and how they’d respond. Prepare to feel old.
1. 7 Days – Craig David
Felix: Definitely heard it on the odd night out but wouldn’t know the lyrics.
Georgia: Yeah never heard that one before – have only heard ‘Fill Me In’ by Craig but I’m feeling uncultured already.
Henry: Don’t know number 1.
Katherine: I haven’t heard 7 Days but I feel I might vaguely recognise it.
Max: Just the chorus really.
Lola: I’ve heard the song but can only really remember the chorus part but I like it.
2. In for the Kill – La Roux
Felix: Good song reminds me of primary school discos.
Georgia: Absolute classic, only have to hear the first second and it takes me back to better times.
Katherine: No, I don’t recognise that one either but I agree it’s a good bop.
Max: Not familiar with In For The Kill. It bangs, can’t deny.
Lola: I loved that song I used to have it on my iPod Nano.
3. 1, 2 Step – Ciara
Felix: Can’t say I recognise it but very catchy.
Georgia: A bop, had a whole routine choreographed to that one.
Henry: Feel like I know it but don’t. Screams a tune for all the X Factor wannabes.
Katherine: Yes I know that one! Don’t know the lyrics though.
Max: 1,2 I don’t know.
Lola: It sounds familiar but have no idea what it is. Not bad though.
4. Replay – Iyaz
Georgia: Honestly if you don’t know song 4 then you’re a bit of a disappointment.
Henry: Yeah 4 is a must know
Katherine: Yes – love that song!
Max: They’re catchy they’ve got good hooks – could easily be in discos.
Lola: I love that one. I swear I had a McDonald’s toy of it.
5. All the Things She Said – t.A.T.u
Katherine: Didn’t recognise that one at first but I do know it when it got to the chorus.
Lola: I remember 5 but I never liked it.
Georgia: Number 5 is a no. I agree with Lola.
Max: Same here.
Henry: 5 is a bit dead.
Felix: Don’t know 5 and is not really for me either.
6. Green Light – Roll Deep
Lola: Have no idea what that is – sounds like a song all the boys at a Year 6 disco would try and learn.
Henry: 6 is a tune and a half don’t even challenge it. Flexin your moves to the primary school crush with that bad boy 100 per cent.
Katherine: Don’t know 6 but is a tune I agree.
Felix: Definitely heard this what a tb.
Georgia: 6 takes me back, I love.
Max: Don’t know 6.
7. Shake It – Metro Station
Lola: Absolute banger.
Henry: TikTok ruined this song.
Georgia: 13-year-old TikTokers.
Felix: Had completely forgotten about this but great song.
Katherine: Yes another McDonald’s toy banger ?? (Her older sister chimed in at this point to say “it took her way too long to recognise that one we were at least halfway to the chorus I am ashamed.”)
Max: 7 bangs. Hard.
8. What I Go To School For – Busted
Lola: Never heard of it. Glad I didn’t.
Felix: Never used to like Busted personally.
Georgia: I mean all I had to see was Busted and you had me. One Direction could have never produced such quality.
Henry: Busted are BTEC as.
Katherine: Yes Busted still a fave!
Max: 8 is unknown to me.
9. So Sick – Ne-Yo
Felix: Certainly remember downloading 9 back in the day.
Georgia: 9 is untouchable, all I can ever think of is the classic 00s R&B music video.
Henry: Absolute banger number 9. Ne-Yo is an icon.
Katherine: All I had to hear was those first four notes.
Lola: I think Ne-Yo was my first actually crush.
Max: 9 unaware of.
10. Mr Brightside – The Killers
Felix: Still love it even though is very overplayed. Nothing can beat it at the end of a night.
Henry: The white girl classic. Most overplayed song known to man. It’s everyone’s guilty pleasure.
Georgia: Love it and you know I’m running to the dance floor when it’s played, I embrace my white girlness.
Katherine: Classic but way too overplayed nowadays. It’s great to scream the lyrics out to at a party but sometimes annoys me when I’ve heard it too much. That songs gonna be in my head for days now.
Lola: I do love it can’t lie it is a classic.
Max: Americans butchered it.
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