Take this quiz and find out which Ben Mitchell you truly are
Or get a slappin’ down
You know what they say: fool me once, shame on you, fool me three times by introducing a completely different actor for Eastenders’ Ben Mitchell and expecting me to believe it’s the same character…also shame on you.
By this point, I think we’ve simply accepted that Ben Mitchell is a shapeshifter, changing forms effortlessly as the years wash over Albert Square. It’s ridiculous, but somehow feels right.
Of course, with all these Ben Mitchells knocking about, it raises the question: which one are you, really?
There are four Ben Mitchells to choose from: OG Ben Mitchell (Charlie Jones, 2006-10); Evil Ben Mitchell (Joshua Pascoe 2010-12); Post-Prison Ben Mitchell (Harry Reid, 2014-18); and Present-Day Ben Mitchell (Max Bowden).
Take the quiz and find out:
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